Your most anticipated PS4 game

Second Son and 1886. I'm a sucker for TPS with a lot of action.

But I would really REALLY like to know what Guerilla is doing (new IP). That intrigues me more than the new Uncharted (although I did squeal like a schoolgirl when that was announced).
- inFamous second son.
- the order 1886.
- uncharted 4
- watchdogs
- Ryme.
- all new IPs..... and too many games that I can't remember right now
Ground Zeroes, by a mile!

Yeah it's short, but length doesn't necessarily equate to value.

Also keenly awaiting Infamous and Watch_Dogs (depending how it looks like it eventually resurfaces...)
Yes there is a monthly fee for the game. $15 a month I believe.
If these is a subscription fee for any single game I am out. I can't play one game only an pay 15 dollars a month for it. It's the reason I never got into world of Warcraft I like playing different things all the time.
If these is a subscription fee for any single game I am out. I can't play one game only an pay 15 dollars a month for it. It's the reason I never got into world of Warcraft I like playing different things all the time.
That's my main issue, but it's also why I struggle beating games. I jump from game to game all the time.
i'll been waiting like 6 years FFXIII versus (FFXV) and KH3 and of course MGS V GZ coming in days now xD
i'll been waiting like 6 years FFXIII versus (FFXV) and KH3 and of course MGS V GZ coming in days now xD
Final Fantasy XV is a game I always forget about because it's been in development so long. I am definitely looking forward to it though. The footage that has been released looks awesome.
Final Fantasy XV is a game I always forget about because it's been in development so long. I am definitely looking forward to it though. The footage that has been released looks awesome.
FFXV was a game I put on my Zune (original model) and watched the cinematics at work during my breaks. I think the game started development before the PS3 came out.
  1. Infamous: Second Son - 2 more weeks!
  2. The Order: 1886
  3. Kingdom Hearts 3
  4. Alien Isolation
  5. The Division
  6. Rime
  7. Mirrors Edge
  8. Watch_Dogs
  9. Uncharted
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