All Time Favorite Game

for me my all time favorite game that I've ever played so far, that I can remember, is a tie between Devil May Cry 3 Special edition and sengoku basara 3.
as much as I love and adore all my childhood games and everything I've played in my life so far, I'd have to name that as my number one.
For me it would probably have to be Super Mario Brothers 3. I have a lot of fond memories of playing that game with friends and family while I was a kid.
Either Castlevania: Symphony of the Night or Final Fantasy 8.

I could rant and rave about either for hours, and believe it or not, I've completed them both a similar number of times.
I normally dislike picking #1's, but I submitted to calling Suikoden II mine a long time ago. It just... works. In pretty much all of the right ways (for me, at least).
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Idk if I can really pick a number 1 since i like so many games and so many different types of games, it really depends on how you rate it. I beat tales of symphonia like 5 times, and same with MGS4. But after finishing my second or third playthrough of Metroid Prime last night (this time at 100%!) I think it might just be that. I can't remember the last time a game really pulled me in and immersed me as well as Prime did. It got me further into a series i loved. The atmosphere, the story, the music, the details... everything. I LOVE IT! I'm giving it my no. 1 spot. well deserved.
This is super difficult for me to even decide upon, let alone answer. I have a ton of games that are my favorites. And I mean they would probably weigh a metric ton. But, I think I can narrow down to two in particular that I seem to endlessly replay.

E.V.O. The Search for Eden
I just love this game. Absolutely love it. The first evolution game I ever had been aware of. I loved the design, gameplay (as monotonous as the grind could be), the vast array of ways to evolve, the secret evolution paths and crystals, the small semblance of a story, and the progression throughout the ages. Considering I have a passion for science, my interest and enjoyment was only multiplied. This is a game I would love to see Square Enix (Enix side) revisit.

Final Fantasy Tactics
Just one of the best story lines in any game, ever. I am completely enthralled by it. I actually enjoy the strategic combat, sprite and world design, the many jobs, and insane amount of replayability. I always play this game to completion at least twice a year. And it never gets old.
Either Castlevania: Symphony of the Night or Final Fantasy 8.

I could rant and rave about either for hours, and believe it or not, I've completed them both a similar number of times.

How could you possible like 8 more than 7 or 9?

*Just trying to get you to rant and rave about it*
See my order of favorites goes 8,7, then 9 for favorite PlayStation 1 Final Fantasy titles.
you completely left out Final fantasy 1 and 2 remake on ps1, and not to mention anthologies which is a re-release of FF5 and FF6, then there's the re-release of Final Fantasy 4 also on Ps1! :)
you completely left out Final fantasy 1 and 2 remake on ps1, and not to mention anthologies which is a re-release of FF5 and FF6, then there's the re-release of Final Fantasy 4 also on Ps1! :)
I'm referring to the original releases though. I do have all of those though. Bought them when they all released on the PS1. :)
See my order of favorites goes 8,7, then 9 for favorite PlayStation 1 Final Fantasy titles.
I'm a 9, 7, 8 Kinda Guy. Never did finish 8 though.

I would put 9 and 7 in my top games along with Ocarina of Time and Link to The Past. I could probably list about 20 games in my top 5 though. :)
Bah, I kind of feel like this belongs in a thread all by itself but I'll just throw this question out here for the fluidity.

For those who feel that 8 is a better game, Why?

Personally, my order is 8 then 7. I never actually got to "play" ff9 because when it was released, I kind of had to speedrun being that I was on restriction. But I've seen 9 listed as a lot of peoples favorites (Which surprised me) the many times this conversation has been brought up.

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