Can I create PlayStation Network account in PC?


PSLS Level: Newbie
I ordered a PS Vita and expecting it to arrive two weeks from now but I am kinda eager to create a PSN account right now. Is there a way that I can create a PSN account in PC?

By the way, I already create a PSN account before (I had a PS3 before) but I totally forgot its password, sooo yeah xD
I ordered a PS Vita and expecting it to arrive two weeks from now but I am kinda eager to create a PSN account right now. Is there a way that I can create a PSN account in PC?

By the way, I already create a PSN account before (I had a PS3 before) but I totally forgot its password, sooo yeah xD

Not only that but I'm sure Sony has a handy reset password option if you can remember the email account you used.
the psn account you want to create is tagged to your country IP if its on PC.

I have to make US PSN Account via PS4.
Create PSN Account on a Computer. Visit the Sony Entertainment Network Create a New Account page. Enter your personal details like your email address, birth date, and location information, and then choose a password.
Adam4adam TutuApp AppValley
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