Divided Over The Division

Will Tom Clancy's Division be Release-Day Worthy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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PSLS Level: Newbie
Hey Everyone,

I played the beta a couple weeks ago and I am definitely going to hop on the final beta to further inform my opinion. However, I am giving The Division a 6/10 ranking as of now and it has yet to change my mind.

What are your main grievances against the title?
If not grievances...What are the main high points of the title?

Oh...and YES, I know, that this will be purely based on the beta, trailers, interviews with the developers, etc.

I didn't have the opportunity to play in the first closed beta but I will likely check it out next week in the open beta.

Seems like an interesting idea although I'm generally not keen on multiplayer centric games anymore.
There were definitely some positive/brownie points in the closed beta, but it was not able to take my breath away, as their original pitch did in the early stages of development. This was, in my opinion, highly watered-down. I am eager to hear your take on it once you get your hands on it.
this is a online multiplayer game right ? i won't be purchasing then.

Yeah it is a strange marriage of MMO elements and action RPG elements. I am about 70% sure I will not be picking it up release day unless by some miracle the final, open, beta persuades me.

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