Favorite All Time PlayStation Game

Don't have a favorite one in particular because there's too many good ones out there.
What an impossible question to answer. I'd have to think very long and very hard about it, but off the top of my head, one of my favorite series is Wild ARMs. It's much easier to condense 3 of my favorite games (the first 3 in the series across PS1 and PS2) into just liking the series.
Wild ARMs is an outstanding series.
My favorite old school PlayStation game is Twisted Metal. Nothing beats the live action videos at the end of Twisted Metal 1 when you beat the game with each character. I have yet to decide what my favorite PS3/PS4 game is.
My favorite old school PlayStation game is Twisted Metal. Nothing beats the live action videos at the end of Twisted Metal 1 when you beat the game with each character. I have yet to decide what my favorite PS3/PS4 game is.

I felt they missed how awesome those were in Twisted Metal PS3. The beauty was all the messed up endings for each character. Instead of making fewer, they just needed more. A TM game with like 30 short stories would be awesome! Episodic Twisted Metal? I might just love that...
Last of Us, Uncharted 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Gran Turismo 6

Actually, that's how my favorite games of all time list goes too pretty much.

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