Features Of The PSLS Forums


PSLS Level: Silver
PlayStationLifeStyle Forums Features List

Consider this your one stop place for how to do things on the forums. Feel free to post any questions about something that is not addressed here and I will add it immediately.

Trophies - the trophies feature various trophies that can be earned for anything from just posting to receiving/giving likes. There are a couple of hidden, hard to get trophies as well. Simply put, the more active you are around the forums, the more trophies you will earn. This will turn into a higher rank.

Ranks - speaking of ranks, every forum needs ranks. Considering we are a PlayStation centric website, it is not a surprise that our ranks relate to the PlayStation trophies that are available. In the beginning you will be known as a PSLS Level - Newbie, eventually working your way up to the highly sought after PSLS Level - Platinum, which will take a quite a bit of work to achieve.

Like - yes, there is a "Like" feature. Just like everywhere else. But it is so much important here, especially considering it counts towards your rank. If you see something that you like in the forums, or a well thought out post, show that user that you appreciate their post or thread by clicking "Like" at the bottom of their post. This will contribute to their overall rating.

Tagging Users - ever find yourself wanting to mention someone in a post so that they are notified and know they are mentioned? Well you can here at the PSLS Forums. Simply use @ and then the username. For example to tag myself I would put @BigPete7978 and click my name when it pops up. I will then be notified once the post is made.

Quoting - sometimes it can be difficult to quote users on other forums. Not here on the PSLS Forums. Simply click Reply and it will auto quote the user that you have clicked reply on. If you want to quote someone else in the same message click reply on the other post as well, and it will be added instantly.

Following - just like other social networks like Twitter, if you are interested in what someone has to say here on the forums simply click "Follow" on their profile page.
We may want mention the ability to quote other posts by using the "Reply" function in the bottom right corner of the post. It may seem basic, but every little bit of info helps.

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