When the FFVII remake was officially confirmed/announced, Square Enix pretty much said they're willing to remake others if there's enough demand. With that said, though, I'm not sure about FFVIII. As much as I, personally, would love to see one, FFVIII got a very divided response from fans -- like you either loved it or hated it, and from what I've seen, it seemed rather close to a 50-50 split. (I don't think I ever knew anyone who felt somewhere in-between, heh.) Even as a fan of the game myself, I can't deny that there was a lot wrong with it, so I imagine if they were going to remake it, they'd have to make a lot of adjustments to both the story and the gameplay.
But making adjustments to the remake of 7 which is what is going to happen to the story and music doesn't that kill the mood? The music and story line is all the games have. It's what made them unique and unforgettable and to remake them and adjust the key components would be a turn off. To me anyways but you did bring up excellent points.
But making adjustments to the remake of 7 which is what is going to happen to the story and music doesn't that kill the mood? The music and story line is all the games have. It's what made them unique and unforgettable and to remake them and adjust the key components would be a turn off. To me anyways but you did bring up excellent points.
Are they adjusting the story? Seems like they are expanding the story.

So I don't know what you mean by adjusting it. You might get to see a portion of a story told a different way, and so now you have 2 conflicting events, because that's what happens. People see things differently. I know in Final Fantasy XIV they purposefully have citizens tell you lies, because that's what came down from the rumor mill, and they want that to be a part of the world. Where people don't have all the info.

I just don't think it's wise to be negative on the FFVII remake.

I would rather them do touch ups and ports to FFVIII and FFIX especially.

9 is the only FF that can ONLY be played on the PS1. Everything else there's PC Ports and android ports. We need them to touch IX again.
Are they adjusting the story? Seems like they are expanding the story.

So I don't know what you mean by adjusting it. You might get to see a portion of a story told a different way, and so now you have 2 conflicting events, because that's what happens. People see things differently. I know in Final Fantasy XIV they purposefully have citizens tell you lies, because that's what came down from the rumor mill, and they want that to be a part of the world. Where people don't have all the info.

I just don't think it's wise to be negative on the FFVII remake.

I would rather them do touch ups and ports to FFVIII and FFIX especially.

9 is the only FF that can ONLY be played on the PS1. Everything else there's PC Ports and android ports. We need them to touch IX again.
I could be wrong but isn't FFIX getting a PC port soon?

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