Forum Changes - 9/3/14


Staff member
As many of you might have noticed, the forums have undergone a bit of a facelift and a change behind the scenes.

First off, Joseph Peterson aka BigPete7978 has had to step down from his position of high chancellor and wielder of the ban hammer. I will be taking that position going forward, so any issues need to be brought to my attention. You can email me at [email protected] or tweet me @Cameron_PSLS

Secondly, in an effort to streamline things a bit more for everyone involved, I have drastically moved things around and made things a bit simpler to find. Gone are the sub forums for each game and the Xbox, Nintendo, PC sub forums. Instead things are neatly placed into either PlayStation or General gaming. Also, everything non-gaming has been carefully moved to a single location called "Everything Else"..

If you are having any issues finding a thread you used to comment in, kindly sit yourself in a corner and contemplate what the value of you is, then come out when you have reached an answer and did a search for the thread.

If you have any issues with the new structure, please bring your complaints to our Feedback & Suggestions in the New User Section. Please be patient though as our Monkey's running that part of the forum have not been fully trained yet.

Love you all,
I feel bad... I have been abscent for some time and things have changed. Well now Im back. Need to do my work. I have faith in you @Lifewish I know you wont let us down.

I wish the best for @BigPete7978

The show continues. Lets work together.

I hope you all doing fine. :)

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