Got charged twice on PSN

Contacted PSN again, over chat, and the guy was no help at all. Told me that because they didn't get the money, I would probably be getting it back eventually.

I asked him to put me through to his supervisor, and he told me to call (I was in chat).

I asked him to give me his ID number or some way to place a formal complaint against him, and he refused, and then closed the connection.


At least you got that far, xbox practically gave my brother the finger when he had his little xbox one incident.
Contacted PSN again, over chat, and the guy was no help at all. Told me that because they didn't get the money, I would probably be getting it back eventually.

I asked him to put me through to his supervisor, and he told me to call (I was in chat).

I asked him to give me his ID number or some way to place a formal complaint against him, and he refused, and then closed the connection.

That is insane you are having this much of an issue with a double charge. Wow.
I'm just letting it go at this point. Not even worth the stress to me anymore. It sucks, but seriously, I'd rather lose some money than get treated like crap for a mistake they made.
I'm just letting it go at this point. Not even worth the stress to me anymore. It sucks, but seriously, I'd rather lose some money than get treated like crap for a mistake they made.

I would've let it go awhile ago, but that's just me.
If I had been treated properly the first time around, I would have, too. The only reason I kept it on was because it pissed me off that I was treated like shit.

And really? Rightly so. No excuse for treating anyone like shit, much less customers.

But fuck it.
If I had been treated properly the first time around, I would have, too. The only reason I kept it on was because it pissed me off that I was treated like shit.

And really? Rightly so. No excuse for treating anyone like shit, much less customers.

But fuck it.

For me i figure, if they service isn't gonna treat me right the first time around, then chances are high they won't treat me right period. So i just let it go.
The best buy over here used to be like that. The F.Y.E
over here though, well they apparently only believe in hiring assholes who don't even know how to work a register.

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