psn100% versus platinum


PSLS Level: Bronze
Some of those psn games are KILLERS as far as trophies are concerned. Trash panic and pain come to mind immediately. Id like a way on our profiles to show our 100%s as well as our plats.
I mean... you can tell how many plats i have by looking at my profile, but not how many 100%s i have on non-platinum games. Id like it to show up on our profile.
Oh I see what you are saying, definitely agree. Some of the 100% titles are crazy difficult, there should be a way to show off those accomplishments.
Some of those psn games are KILLERS as far as trophies are concerned. Trash panic and pain come to mind immediately. Id like a way on our profiles to show our 100%s as well as our plats.
Pain was one of the first games that I bought when I got a Move controller. I don't think I have any trophies in the game because they were just - eww.
Pain was one of the first games that I bought when I got a Move controller. I don't think I have any trophies in the game because they were just - eww.
I never even played it, i just know the trophies are really hard. Trash panic, on the other hand, i tried and failed at miserably. Page chronica is another psn game to avoid. The game sucks, and the trophies are crazy hard because of it. Those two games are the only ones ever that i have 0% on.
Pain is a very tough trophy game. I might go back eventually and go for 100%. I am currently sitting at 31% I think. I only need like 3 trophies for the original list before they added all the DLC trophies.
Pain is a very tough trophy game. I might go back eventually and go for 100%. I am currently sitting at 31% I think. I only need like 3 trophies for the original list before they added all the DLC trophies.
I wish they would've done the different trophy lists like they do now for add-ons.

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