Ridiculous Trophies

Trophies that require you to spend a certain amount of time on the game are ridiculous
Trophies that require you to spend a certain amount of time on the game are ridiculous
Like the one in Rainbow Moon that requires like 200 hours of gameplay? Yeah, that's insane. I didn't even spend that much time for the platinum in FFX.
I managed it! It was obnoxious, but it is doable!

I did it too... eventually. I didn't even think it was difficult until the last couple of Extreme levels, but so, so dull and time consuming. Made me question if I actually wanted the Platinum even though I only had 2 trophies left to get.
I heard a lot of people say that Brutal was easier than Hard, because they rush you a lot more...

Maybe there's a way to think about it, that will help you get through.

either they are godly gamers or they use tweaks or glitches.

brutal mode, AI kill you in 1 or 2 shots.

the ammo you pick up is much lesser.

AI HP is much more longer..

I don't see how Brutal was easier than Hard.

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