Sword Art Online: Lost Song releases hits the West this Fall

game is really looking good.
This game needs to release already.
This, Danganronpa Another Episode, and No Man's Sky are my Holy Trinity of games for 2015.
I probably will have to import this (then buy again if it gets a retail release in the states)
This game needs to release already.
This, Danganronpa Another Episode, and No Man's Sky are my Holy Trinity of games for 2015.
I probably will have to import this (then buy again if it gets a retail release in the states)

Yea release these already!
3rd Trailer

Damn that's starting to close in fast... I really need to start playing Hollow Fragment more
I'm ready! Already beaten HF! I hope the Japan release will already have the english option so that I don't need to ask my relatives to get this for me. :3

More details! Plus some tidbits about a possible sequel to Hollow Fragment:
  • Unlike Sword Art Online‘s previous dealing with life and death, this time the basis isn’t as gloomy.
  • Rain joins the group around the middle of the game.
  • Seven isn’t very good at the game, but she is the leader princess of her guild, Shamrock.
  • Shamrock also maintains gameplay guides in real-life.
  • It was either Agil and Eugene as being playable, and Agil was decided upon.
  • There is no “affection level” this time, but events are triggered based on the combination of characters.
  • This one is developed by Artdink, not Aquila, which developed Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment. Strictly speaking, the game therefore isn’t a direct sequel per se to Hollow Fragment, but rather considered a new game altogether. Development has been ongoing since before Hollow Fragment‘s release.
  • As for that Hollow Fragment sequel that Futami wanted to make if that game sold well… (it’s implying this is likely something in the works).
  • Because Lost Song and Hollow Fragment are different games, Hollow Fragment‘s save data is not compatible, but it’s still best to hold onto save data from Hollow Fragment.
  • Magic is now easier to use.
  • Battle transitions are seamless.
  • Maps in the game were previously stated to be 16km. squared, but this is a statistical mix up with a mecha action game (Macross 30). In reality, they’re 1km. squared each, but because there are a number of islands dotted around the game, it’s still a considerably large world.
  • The game’s story is 20 to 30 hours long, but it will take longer with the higher difficulty quests and raising.
  • Character raising is like the first game. Rather than leveling up, you’ll increase your skill strength.
  • Significant updates will be released post launch, and weekly quests will also be delivered. All updates and downloadable content will be free.
  • Strea is in the game as though nothing happened. Futami wants to give her a story in the future.
  • Futami also wants to take on PlayStation 4 development. If it’s something you want, please make some noise and show there is support from consumers to help convince the company.
I have yet to play the SAO games on Vita but I've been thinking about picking one up. How much are they like the anime series?
It stays pretty true to the anime. It's a What-If Story that happens at the end of episode 14 of the anime. But the abilities and skills all look like they belong. A part of the game is climbing the 76-100 floors of the tower. The light harem aspect of the show is played up a lot more in the game though.

Leafa, and Sinon are in the game also. Gameplay wise it is like an offline MMORPG
It stays pretty true to the anime. It's a What-If Story that happens at the end of episode 14 of the anime. But the abilities and skills all look like they belong. A part of the game is climbing the 76-100 floors of the tower. The light harem aspect of the show is played up a lot more in the game though.

Leafa, and Sinon are in the game also. Gameplay wise it is like an offline MMORPG

Sounds cool. I like the idea of climbing the top floors. Might have to check it out!
I'm on floor 90, at 120 hours in. So there is a lot to do lol. The tower bosses do have the Last Attack Bonus from the Anime too. And there is a trophy for getting each (can't destroy or sell them to get this) of the LAB drops.
I'm on floor 90, at 120 hours in. So there is a lot to do lol. The tower bosses do have the Last Attack Bonus from the Anime too. And there is a trophy for getting each (can't destroy or sell them to get this) of the LAB drops.
As a big fan of the anime, this game certainly intrigues me. I'm going to check to see if it works on Playstation TV. I like having that option in addition to playing on the go.
As a big fan of the anime, this game certainly intrigues me. I'm going to check to see if it works on Playstation TV. I like having that option in addition to playing on the go.

Last I heard only the imported physical version worked with PSTV, while the digital version in NA for some reason didn't. That might have changed, though.
SAO works on the PS TV in NA. The problem is that the compatibility list on the PS TV is gimpy. You have do download anything (themes work), from the store and the PS TV's compatibility list will update, which allows you to play SAO. So if it ever stops working, just redownload that theme (can be free), and it should work again.
SAO works on the PS TV in NA. The problem is that the compatibility list on the PS TV is gimpy. You have do download anything (themes work), from the store and the PS TV's compatibility list will update, which allows you to play SAO. So if it ever stops working, just redownload that theme (can be free), and it should work again.

Excellent info!

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