What Did You Get This Week On The PSN?


PSLS Level: Silver

Every week the PlayStation Network is updated with new content. Use this thread to post what you have purchased/downloaded from the Store/PSN.
Remember Me (PS3) [PS+]
Strider (PS4)

Wasn't planning on picking up Strider, but enjoyed the demo enough to hop on it.
Picked up Strider Last night. I love Metroidvania games.

And I will probably grab some stuff from the Rockstar Sale later.
Remember Me (PS3) [PS+]
Strider (PS4)

Wasn't planning on picking up Strider, but enjoyed the demo enough to hop on it.
I can't justify getting the game. No cross-buy, not paying $30, don't have a PS4 yet. There are cross-buy games I don't have yet, so I should be getting those first. I'll wait till the game is like $5.00 on sale.

Picked up:
Castle Storm
Soundshapes DLC
Super Motherload
Tales of Xilia
Velocity on PS3
Stick it to the Man
Ended up picking up the EDF 2025 DLC. Also got Injustice on PS4 while on sale. I'm sure there may be something else but that was most of it.
sengoku basara 4 dlc and remember me (I only downloaded remember me just for the hell of it, I doubt i'll play it though)
I ended up getting Super Motherload to play on PS4. Been hearing it was really good and it was only $3.75 so i decided it was worth the buy.
I got the PS plus content and very excited to be getting South Park the Stick of Truth in the mail. I also put my preorder in for Infamous Second Son.
Picked up the freebies and Awesomenauts Assemble. Fantastic game.
I liked the first game I got for completely free release week thanks to PS Plus. But the players were too hard and my friends didn't really want to play regularly and didn't have vhoice chat... so...
NFS: Most Wanted for $5, hard to pass up. It looks like ass but it's still loads of fun, I guess the fact that it's pretty much a 1:1 version of the PS360 version as far as the core game goes is still somewhat impressive. Always great to have a game like that for when you're on the go.

I tried ModNation as well, but I had to uninstall it because it had the same problems as the PS3 version and did little to fix them.

Planning on grabbing Child of Light Pre-Order within the next week or two, that is about it unless there is a decent sale or two.

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