Wii U

Arthur Sataine

PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
I know most people think this console is a joke. To which I counter with I view you as a joke of a gamer. ;) This little machine is phenomenal. It isn't as powerful as the other two, but it doesn't have to be. Games are ultimately played because they are fun. And fun is exactly what the Wii U provides.

If, like me, you've actually given the Wii U a chance and enjoy it, come on in and discuss it!

Personally, I can acknowledge that each new Mario title is actually different from the last. Any person who really plays them knows this. I can't get enough of Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Star Fox, and the rest of the gang.

Super Mario Bros. U is an amazing title. It has to be one of the best platformers ever made. And it may very well be the best Mario title ever made. Yes, including Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is a phenomenal new entry into the series. It brings back and improves upon the great deal of fun introduced in the original SNES title. Mario Kart 8 is just around the corner and it is slated to be the best entry into the series to date. We can't forget Bayonetta 2 is releasing on Wii U exclusively. Also, Smash Bros. will be releasing this year and there has been nothing but awesomeness shown for it so far.

Nintendo is know, not for childish games, but for providing solid games into their respective genres that provide hours upon hours of replayable fun. No company has done first party titles like Nintendo. And I'd wager that will hold true in the future. There is only one company that has come close to touching them in this aspect. And, well, we're all fans of that one or we wouldn't be on these forums!

So, my True Gamer bretheren, enter unto the other side of Greatness and let us discuss and revel in the insane fun that Nintendo brings to the table!
nothing against the system, it just seems like an upgrade is all. I still remember my days of the old Nintendo systems, fond memories.
Wii U is definitely on my list, it has more current and upcoming games than the PS4... unfortunately Guilty Gear and Metal Gear Solid are some of my favorite series so PS4 takes precedence. I seriously fear that Bayonetta 2 may be the last proper game in its genre
I don't consider the console bad at all, just most of the games I want on it are Mario and Zelda. Though I keep hearing that the console has some awesome titles on the way, so it will definitely be a possibility for me to pick up in the future.
I owned a Wii U for all of 3 weeks. I am sorry but Mario is a whore and once you take him away, there is very little to love. Also, the fact that the UI is one of the worst I have seen in over 30 years and the online aspects of the system are one step ahead of AOL Online (old school Dial Up) doesn't help.

The tablet screen is nice for movie apps but other than that, the games are fairly weak and the system isn't much of a step up from the Wii. When 3/4 of the games you are getting excited about are Mario games and the system still fails to have enough great 3rd party software, there is an issue.

Also, the software lineup for the Wii U really isn't that much better than the PS4 and Xbone lineups, and that is pretty sad. And how well do you really do first party software when you recycle the same stuff over and over again?
I owned a Wii U for all of 3 weeks. I am sorry but Mario is a whore and once you take him away, there is very little to love. Also, the fact that the UI is one of the worst I have seen in over 30 years and the online aspects of the system are one step ahead of AOL Online (old school Dial Up) doesn't help.

The tablet screen is nice for movie apps but other than that, the games are fairly weak and the system isn't much of a step up from the Wii. When 3/4 of the games you are getting excited about are Mario games and the system still fails to have enough great 3rd party software, there is an issue.

Also, the software lineup for the Wii U really isn't that much better than the PS4 and Xbone lineups, and that is pretty sad. And how well do you really do first party software when you recycle the same stuff over and over again?

I've always considered the wii/ wii u to be the console meant for gamers who refuse to try anything other then Mario, Zelda, donkey kong, Kirby, and smash brothers.
I've always considered the wii/ wii u to be the console meant for gamers who refuse to try anything other then Mario, Zelda, donkey kong, Kirby, and smash brothers.

I could somewhat understand the Wii ya know. It went after soccer moms and uncoordinated kids and that worked for them. It also helped that they sold it for a box of donuts but that's ok! The Wii U however somehow got stuck in the middle of staying true to the original Wii fans and trying to go all HD, and they just completely failed. Can they recover? Maybe.. Do I care? NO!
Ah, bias. You have to be amused by it. You judged a console way too early in its life.

Well I enjoy the entire Nintendo first party lineup. More often than not, they provide higher quality than most any titles released on the market. It is unfailingly true. And I say that without a reference in console power. Other than more photorealistic graphics and enviroments, that power isn't amounting to much in the new systems at the moment.

And I forgot all about X. I look forward to seeing more of it and playing it in the future. Really hoping they get Geno in Smash this time around. I haven't seen a more fitting character to add to the roster. He was awesome in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. And I am ecstatic that we get to see the Blue Bomber in the new game.

Once Nintendo gets its first parties rolling, the Wii U is going to rock the world.
Once Nintendo gets its first parties rolling, the Wii U is going to rock the world.
yea and Unicorns will roam the land while Justin Bieber becomes a real boy. By the time they "get it rolling" I fear it might be too late, but who knows. After raping the same 3 franchises over and over again, they might strike gold again.
yea and Unicorns will roam the land while Justin Bieber becomes a real boy. By the time they "get it rolling" I fear it might be too late, but who knows. After raping the same 3 franchises over and over again, they might strike gold again.

That right there is the misinformed presumption most people have. They've hit gold with each and every first party release. Nintendo is largely relevant, whether people like that fact or not.
That right there is the misinformed presumption most people have. They've hit gold with each and every first party release. Nintendo is largely relevant, whether people like that fact or not.

If they have hit gold, why is the Wii U struggling so much? And they might have their First Party games figured out, but where are all the 3rd party games? Why are so many publishers deciding to completely skip over Wii U development?

Like it or not, right now the Wii U is not selling well and is largely irrelevant and until they make more of a push to entice 3rd party developers to give them some love, they will stay that way. You can only roll out the same 3 games so many times before people get bored.
If they have hit gold, why is the Wii U struggling so much? And they might have their First Party games figured out, but where are all the 3rd party games? Why are so many publishers deciding to completely skip over Wii U development?

Like it or not, right now the Wii U is not selling well and is largely irrelevant and until they make more of a push to entice 3rd party developers to give them some love, they will stay that way. You can only roll out the same 3 games so many times before people get bored.

Again, misinformed bias. They have far more than 3 first party titles that release. Now, mod or not, can you please quit posting merely to bash? That is not the intention of this thread.

Discussion is one thing, but hateful bashing is another.
Again, misinformed bias. They have far more than 3 first party titles that release. Now, mod or not, can you please quit posting merely to bash? That is not the intention of this thread.

Discussion is one thing, but hateful bashing is another.

Sorry for taking over your thread. Enjoy the discussion guys.
I completely agree. It is definitely not as powerful as the competition, but it seems more than capable of keeping me entertained for hours on end. I can't wait to have one myself since I'm looking forward to many games.
So far I'm eyeing Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, DK Tropical Freeze, Wonderful 101, and Pikmin 3.

People can't blame the games for its "failure". I think its the whole gamepad controller that causes people to stray away from it. It just seems like a huge gimmick that doesn't seem to have any qualities to enhance the gaming experience. Nintendo couldn't even properly justify the reasons for having it, other than being able to play away from the TV, so people (especially parents) became confused.

The Wii had a gimmick that people could immediately see the appeal in. That tiny Wiimote had the potential to become anything you wanted. It could be a bat, golf club, sword, a bow, a rolling pin or a mixing spoon, a wand, you name it. That's why the Wii was such a huge success.

I really believe that the Wii U could have sold far better if it had released a regular console with a plain controller, because the games lineup definitely isn't lacking.
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Again, misinformed bias. They have far more than 3 first party titles that release. Now, mod or not, can you please quit posting merely to bash? That is not the intention of this thread.

Discussion is one thing, but hateful bashing is another.

I fail to see how it is "bashing" . you like the console, he doesn't. it's all opinion, as far as the wii debate goes between you two. you are BOTH right, just only in certain areas. you guys should agree to disagree, and move on. not tell a person to leave.
I completely agree. It is definitely not as powerful as the competition, but it seems more than capable of keeping me entertained for hours on end. I can't wait to have one myself since I'm looking forward to many games.
So far I'm eyeing Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, DK Tropical Freeze, Wonderful 101, and Pikmin 3.

People can't blame the games for its "failure". I think its the whole gamepad controller that causes people to stray away from it. It just seems like a huge gimmick that doesn't seem to have any qualities to enhance the gaming experience. Nintendo couldn't even properly justify the reasons for having it, other than being able to play away from the TV, so people (especially parents) became confused.

The Wii had a gimmick that people could immediately see the appeal in. That tiny Wiimote had the potential to become anything you wanted. It could be a bat, golf club, sword, a bow, a rolling pin or a mixing spoon, a wand, you name it. That's why the Wii was such a huge success.

I really believe that the Wii U could have sold far better if it had released a regular console with a plain controller, because the games lineup definitely isn't lacking.

The biggest issue for me is the poor management in the marketing division. The name isn't exactly the best of ideas either. And I don't have an issue at all with the Gamepad. Developers are merely being lazy. Which is a big trend over the last ten years. The Gamepad feels fine to me and works perfectly well as a normal controller. Besides, more and more games are now using the Pro Controller. So there is even less to whine about as far as I'm concerned.

They just did NOT think at all when it came to PR and marketing. We understand the nomenclature once explained. The problem is that it must be explained. The software is amazing and I love the VC. Can't wait for future titles.
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I fail to see how it is "bashing" . you like the console, he doesn't. it's all opinion, as far as the wii debate goes between you two. you are BOTH right, just only in certain areas. you guys should agree to disagree, and move on. not tell a person to leave.

That became straight up attacking, Jacky. And I did not order, I politely asked. There is no sense in unabashedly trashing a console that you don't like, just because you don't like it. I'm cool with discussing its flaws and setbacks. It may be struggling but it isn't dying nor is it going anywhere. We'll be having the Wii U alongside the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for years to come. The point of this thread was for people whom enjoy the console, to discuss it. If need be, I'll create an alternate topic discussing why the Wii U is doing so poorly.

And by the gods I hate double posting!!!
The biggest issue for me is the poor management in the marketing division. The name isn't exactly the best of ideas either. And I don't have an issue at all with the Gamepad. Developers are merely being lazy. Which is a big trend over the last ten years. The Gamepad feels fine to me and works perfectly well as a normal controller. Besides, more and more games are now using the Pro Controller. So there is even less to whine about as far as I'm concerned.

They just didn't NOT think at all when it came to PR and marketing. We understand the nomenclature once explained. The problem is that it must be explained. The software is amazing and I love the VC. Can't wait for future titles.

I've used the Gamepad and definitely have no problems with it. It was surprisingly comfortable to hold. I just think its harder to make the casual market want it like they did the Wii, cause that was a huge market Nintendo was able to tap into back then.

But I have to agree with you with devs becoming lazier. Games are expected to come addled with bugs upon release. And the PS3 was all but neglected simply because devs didn't want to put the extra work into potentially making their games even better. They just settled for the ease of use the 360 offerred.
The same is probably happening to the Wii U.
I have tried the Wii-U and personally I did not like the game pad. I am that glad some the developers are giving the option not to use the pad as to me it not practical. I am sure if Nintendo didn't force the pad for the Wii-U, much like the Xbox One with Kinect, that it would sell better for one and two being optional they would be better off. As far the developers being lazy that I agree with though... Thief comes to mind.

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