Wii U

I have a question for anyone who owns a Wii U.

Does it always give you problems when attempting to sign in or when trying to open up the Miiverse or eShop?
I've only had mine for a week now so it could just be that they have been doing some maintenance lately, but in the past 3 days I've encountered these problems about 10 times now.

Could my Wii U just be faulty? My 2DS is always able to connect properly.

I havent been on in a bit, Ive never had any issues getting on eShop or Miiverse
I know most people think this console is a joke. To which I counter with I view you as a joke of a gamer. ;) This little machine is phenomenal. It isn't as powerful as the other two, but it doesn't have to be. Games are ultimately played because they are fun. And fun is exactly what the Wii U provides.
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If, like me, you've actually given the Wii U a chance and enjoy it, come on in and discuss it!

Personally, I can acknowledge that each new Mario title is actually different from the last. Any person who really plays them knows this. I can't get enough of Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Star Fox, and the rest of the gang.

Super Mario Bros. U is an amazing title. It has to be one of the best platformers ever made. And it may very well be the best Mario title ever made. Yes, including Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is a phenomenal new entry into the series. It brings back and improves upon the great deal of fun introduced in the original SNES title. Mario Kart 8 is just around the corner and it is slated to be the best entry into the series to date. We can't forget Bayonetta 2 is releasing on Wii U exclusively. Also, Smash Bros. will be releasing this year and there has been nothing but awesomeness shown for it so far.

Nintendo is know, not for childish games, but for providing solid games into their respective genres that provide hours upon hours of replayable fun. No company has done first party titles like Nintendo. And I'd wager that will hold true in the future. There is only one company that has come close to touching them in this aspect. And, well, we're all fans of that one or we wouldn't be on these forums!

So, my True Gamer bretheren, enter unto the other side of Greatness and let us discuss and revel in the insane fun that Nintendo brings to the table!
They have far more than 3 first party titles that release. Now, mod or not, can you please quit posting merely to bash? That is not the intention of this thread.
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