Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry confusion


PSLS Level: Bronze
So what happens if I buy Assassin's Creed Black Flag and the Season Pass.

What happens if I don't.

This game is also a DLC pack. Do you get the DLC if you buy it?

I'm debating on buying the combo with Liberation HD and this game.
The Black Flag version comes with the Season Pass, the stand-alone version does not.

I highly recommend Freedom Cry. Liberation HD I only recommend if you're a big AC series fan, as it's buggy, has a lackluster story and plays like AC III.
Are the trophies the same for both the DLC and the Standalone?

I was debating buying the season pass or just the Combo since i do not care about the Multiplayer add-ons.
The Black Flag version comes with the Season Pass, the stand-alone version does not.

I highly recommend Freedom Cry. Liberation HD I only recommend if you're a big AC series fan, as it's buggy, has a lackluster story and plays like AC III.

I guess I should just play it on the Vita. I'm out of outlets in my gaming area, and the Vita doesn't hold the best charge. So if I don't play it for 2 or 3 days it ends up dead. I bought Liberation when it was super cheap.

I didn't play it because I was going to hop into AC 2 and play that, and then buy 3 when it was on sale, and play Liberation when I knew what I was doing...

I need to make time to play 2.
I guess I should just play it on the Vita. I'm out of outlets in my gaming area, and the Vita doesn't hold the best charge. So if I don't play it for 2 or 3 days it ends up dead. I bought Liberation when it was super cheap.

I didn't play it because I was going to hop into AC 2 and play that, and then buy 3 when it was on sale, and play Liberation when I knew what I was doing...

I need to make time to play 2.
Assassin's Creed II is the only one I've gotten a platinum in. Never beat Liberation or III. But I'm working my way through IV right now.

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