Bad Gamers Ep. 70: Cat Party


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
This week in bad gaming, you guys did things very badly.


Cherry Wheat

Sam Adams Cherry Wheat was the first beer that I ever tried and liked at the ripe age of... 18? All beers before that sucked. Since then, I've become more into trying new beers. My favorite is Sam Adams Black Lager, but Beck's Dark is a good second. Tell us more about your beers, @Chandler Wood!

The Squeenix Saga
Sony and Square Enix have a beautiful love story. I think it's good PR for Hashimoto to talk about what happened to keep everyone from freaking out and thinking that Sony hates them. Good form, guys!

Edit: For those who are skeptical, I have more proof that Sony didn't dump Squeenix as a sign of bad faith. Square Enix updated their projections this week, citing that they're selling much better than anticipated. I can't remember if this was mentioned in The Catch-Up or not, but this is awesome news for them!

Watch Dogs
Why do people care about pixel counts and frame shits? When are people going to start complaining about the wrong version of Surround Sound or something?

I umm... dammit, I want that game! For anyone who didn't get the memo, you can enter here to win Cel Damage HD. It's super easy!

Nordic games says that Darksiders isn't dead, and they want to do shit right. What is your greatest Darksiders memory? I'm going to say that Dan's PS3 fail probably tops the list. Hopefully Nordic Games are hard at work and just under too much red tape to talk about it coherently. Let's do this, guys!

E3 Conferences
Since Sony's E3 conference has a date and time, are we going to get a Bad Gamers / Video Game Collective / Morning Wood special this year?

Drive Club
$10 off for having Plus? Why wouldn't I just buy it new?

Chopping Morgan
Desegregate your animals!!

Lightbar on DS4
Sony implemented the lightbar on the DS4 for Morpheus. I think this is a great idea, and it makes it seem even more ridiculous for people to want to turn it off. An LED light is still not a big deal to me, and I know it doesn't really matter for battery life. People who complain about the lightbar are the same people who complain about pixels and frames per second. I get that people want options, but seriously - this should be a non-issue.

Speaking of developers, did anything ever come out of the dev learning that Dan and Seb started sometime ago? This kind of went away from sight when Seb did. Was he the mastermind?

Upcoming Interview
I'm excited to hear about this. When you guys mention gaming passion, the guy who did the art for Hohokum hoho-comes to mind.

Elder Scrolls Online Delay
Meh delay meh. I think it's Bethesda not being able to code again like we saw with Skyrim on PS3. Regardless of what the situation is, I expect it to sell well for fans of MMOs, but I'm not expecting it to sell as well as Destiny, or even FFXIV for that matter. This should have been ready a while ago. I'm sure the upcoming Week In Review will be exciting, anyway. :D

Xbox w/ no Kinect
Only $400? The new SKU for Xbox Ones with Kinect should be relabeled as the "OG Version." Let's see what Sony does...

E3 Leaks
Lick that salt! @Dan Oravasaari, if that Castlevania SotN 2 business is confirmed, I'm driving across the country to camp out with you.

My favorite non-Castlevania "E3 leak"

Borderlands 2 Review
Dammit. Not good enough, too good, 9.5, 2.5, 4... people need to read the review policy. Morgan should read everything and help us solve our gaming issues! I would like to recommend Morgan for the next indie game review.

Fuzzy Little Man Peach
Oh, and one last thing for Dan.
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I think you can count on a little something coming from the podcast/vid-cast world this year. With D'yani coming out to E3, and with PSLS and Game Revolution bunking together, it's a great opportunity for some cross-site contamination.
I think you can count on a little something coming from the podcast/vid-cast world this year. With D'yani coming out to E3, and with PSLS and Game Revolution bunking together, it's a great opportunity for some cross-site contamination.
I'll be looking forward to it. I usually try to watch the conferences when they're streaming, so it'd be cool to see a PSLS / GameRevolution aftershow.
Speaking of developers, did anything ever come out of the dev learning that Dan and Seb started sometime ago? This kind of went away from sight when Seb did. Was he the mastermind?

If you are talking about when Seb and I were working on a project in Unity, then the reason for that falling through had to do with time more than anything. I had some experience with coding, but that was in Java not javascript, so I was only able to get us both so far, and with Daily Reaction going at the same time, we didn't have time to study to keep it going (and for me to keep teaching Seb). On top of that, it was also not really worth the traffic ultimately, even though we both thought it was a great idea/concept.

Also, that
lmfao @BigPete7978 I forgot to put this under the fake E3 stuff that pisses me off. Someone is definitely out to get me this year...
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Darksiders series
I had a ton of fun with the first one. Between the amount of weaponry and the ability to upgrade this and that (I'm a sucker for those Action/RPG hybrids), I felt it was a great start. Based on that, I thought Darksiders 2 was going to take it up a couple notches. I was so wrong. In comparison to the original Darksiders, Darksiders 2 felt wrong. Kind of cheap. I can't remember if it was combat/controls/equipment related but I remember the story not being as entertaining. Darksiders 2 was probably good at best. It was very ehh for me. I could be down for a reboot. If they took and it expanded on the first and forgot that the second ever existed.

I'm excited to see what you guys bring to the table analysis wise from E3. You guys better not let me down or I'll have Morgan running this show from here on out. Seriously, E3 is a joyous occasion for all in the gaming world. It's one of the few times a year that Fanboys get to reload to cast shit on the rival faction. For everyone else, it's a time where gamers calculate how poor they're going to be by the end of the year. High hopes that Sony has a few surprised up their sleeves regarding the ps4.

I don't mind the lightbar. On or off makes no difference to me. I just don't like being kept in the dark... About issues that can be justified with a simple "For use with future tech" disclaimer. I'm not sure about the legality of that statement but at least it justifies that it has a use other than flickering affects and distinguishing between controllers in use.

Future interview
I looking forward to this interview. As someone who has no friends with a 600 mile radius, I couldn't careless about couch coop. But I know that there are more fortune gamers out there who live much closer to friends and would really make use of this feature. I know that for a lot of these indie devs, implementing online coop is added time and money for what could eventually not be worth it in the end.

Elder Scrolls
When me and my friend were watching the live stream last year, this was one of the games on my radar. He was kind of into the Elder Scrolls series and I had just finished rage quitting Oblivion. It was definitely on our radars then. A few months roll by and they claim that Elder Scrolls was going to be a pay-to-play- MMO. Gone. The delay is only going to kill whatever interest they had in it on the console side. I see the demo for this game being the type that already have souped up computers to play this. They would have gotten the crowd looking for something new to play during the summer drought but now... Good luck. I wouldn't pay a plus sub and a sub to play an MMO that I might have some interest in. I overheard a conversation at work that was basically along the same lines. There are people out there that are into this series enough to jump on board with this but I'm not that much of a fan. So I will stick to Destiny.

Kinectless Xbox1
This was one of my criteria for becoming interested in a XBox1. I don't have the necessary space to use any type of camera attachment being that I game in my room. I still don't really care about the Microsoft console. All I will say is that if they show up to another "GAMING CONFERENCE" with more "ENTERTAINMENT" bullshit, they should be cast off completely. Two wrongs don't make a right. Get your shit together. Focus on the core demo first then expand if you feel the need. Don't fucking piggy back off of past successes and hope that gamers will feel there is no alternative. I'd love to get opinions on gamers who have Xbox1's to see why they went that route. I feel as if they early adopters only purchased them in hopes that something better will come down the line. I'm getting a bit too carried away with this rant. All I will say is that hopefully these execs have their heads out of the asses for this conference.

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lmfao @BigPete7978 I forgot to put this under the fake E3 stuff that pisses me off. Someone is definitely out to get me this year...
Fuck that shit. Kill it with fire and piss on the ashes. No, Thank you. Not now, not then, not ever.

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