Bloodborne Is Project Beast


PSLS Level: Silver
The game everyone has been talking about for quite some time finally has been announced. Bloodborne will be coming to PS4's in the future.

Have to wait for some more footage.
The first "leak" showed gameplay, and it honestly looks like the tried and true Souls formula with a few new tweaks.

All I needed to know was that Miyazaki is directing to make it an instant buy. Not to mention that he's gone on record with saying that the general "feel" of the game is going to be like the Tower of Latria in Demon's Souls, and that's got to be one of the most amazing areas in the entire Souls franchise.
The first "leak" showed gameplay, and it honestly looks like the tried and true Souls formula with a few new tweaks.

All I needed to know was that Miyazaki is directing to make it an instant buy. Not to mention that he's gone on record with saying that the general "feel" of the game is going to be like the Tower of Latria in Demon's Souls, and that's got to be one of the most amazing areas in the entire Souls franchise.

Thanks for the clip
The game looks great! Ready for a Demon/Dark Souls on the PS4. Getting ready to accept dying... A lot...

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