Community podcast?

Brian Mieszala

PSLS Level: Bronze
I was listening to Bad Gamers, Podcast Beyond, and thought how awesome it would be to be part of some podcast with some fellow Playstation gamers. I know a few people on this site that I already have interesting conversations with, so articulating that would be awesome (of course with people who wouldn't be rude about it). Very rough thinking this, just gauging interest
Sounds like a really cool idea and I might just listen to it!! (sorry, I rarely ever listen to ANY podcast unless it's a Dallas Stars podcast)
I'm not too tech savvy in that regard though. Nor do I even know where to begin. I just want to talk videogames with some of the people I already do that with on this website. Anyone have the know how to figure out how? And to do it relatively well and good without it sounding kinda crappy?
I'm not too tech savvy in that regard though. Nor do I even know where to begin. I just want to talk videogames with some of the people I already do that with on this website. Anyone have the know how to figure out how? And to do it relatively well and good without it sounding kinda crappy?
2 people record. You put some sort of sound. Like both of you clap at the same time. Just like how they had those clip boards that clack!


The spike thing would be the clack/clap. The loud sound should appear similarly on both and you keep trying until you get them both matched up perfectly. That way the audio for both will be the highest quality you can do provided both recordings are done properly. So it won't matter if one person records 2 minutes early you can chop that off.

Same thing if you take a break. Do a clap or something to get the audio synced up. The board where they go "Scene 34 take 5" *CLACK* it was because the video and audio were recorded separately and in the cutting room they could match the sound of CLACK with the frame that the plastic CLACKs together.

So that's the basics.

Audacity is the application you might want to use

As far as relese or distroibution? That's more difficult.
I'm going to be completely honest with you, and I mean no disrespect, but that just sounds like you are talking gibberish lol. Which is why I'm wondering (hoping) someone else understood that or just knows what to do.
I'm not too tech savvy in that regard though. Nor do I even know where to begin. I just want to talk videogames with some of the people I already do that with on this website. Anyone have the know how to figure out how? And to do it relatively well and good without it sounding kinda crappy?
Are you using Windows? If so, this video is pretty self-explanatory for a really light-weight communication program known as Mumble, which comes bundled with a server client called Murmur. You can use this tutorial for setting up the communication link between people.

This next video shows you how to actually record the communications between people.

In the editing video, the guy talks about editing the audio using Adobe Audition. However, you can follow very similar steps in Audacity to edit the sound files and create a podcast.

I hope that helps. :D
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I'm going to be completely honest with you, and I mean no disrespect, but that just sounds like you are talking gibberish lol. Which is why I'm wondering (hoping) someone else understood that or just knows what to do.
It's hard to explain audio editing without talking to the person. Because I can't change the way I explain it unless I know I lost you. XD
I only suggested it because it would be a lot of fun and awesome to interact with some of you and possibly the staff. The technical stuff is beyond me, I'd be there for the beauty and / or hosting duties.
I only suggested it because it would be a lot of fun and awesome to interact with some of you and possibly the staff. The technical stuff is beyond me, I'd be there for the beauty and / or hosting duties.

Definitely. Sounds like great fun.
Add me on PSN. Let's go forth with this idea.

As Community Manager, I would love to be a part of this! Let's get a list of everyone that wants to be involved then we can start talking format, topics, etc.
As Community Manager, I would love to be a part of this! Let's get a list of everyone that wants to be involved then we can start talking format, topics, etc.

That'd be a great help.
I'm up for it as well, obviously.
And, I'm kind of oblivious on the technical aspect, as well. But, I'd be willing to look into how to control it all.
That'd be a great help.
I'm up for it as well, obviously.
And, I'm kind of oblivious on the technical aspect, as well. But, I'd be willing to look into how to control it all.

Indeed, I'm quite open to learning, but reading up on something from the outside looking in isn't the best way I can learn. Having some kind of experience just listening about it a few times would help a lot.
Awesome! Well let me look into it and see what I can get organized. I will talk to some people about the technical side of things and see how we could set this up to get everyone involved. I will post back to you guys later this week!

In the meantime, feel free to bounce around ideas on format and the like!

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