Favorite PlayStation RPG series

I enjoy the Skylanders series quite a bit. It's like Gauntlet Legends but with far more characters (even though you have to buy the figures instead of putting in coins) and the characters do get leveled up and upgraded. So since I've spent like $300 dollars on the series I have to put this in. (Some of that is buy 2 get 1 free plus a 15% discount)
I enjoy the Skylanders series quite a bit. It's like Gauntlet Legends but with far more characters (even though you have to buy the figures instead of putting in coins) and the characters do get leveled up and upgraded. So since I've spent like $300 dollars on the series I have to put this in. (Some of that is buy 2 get 1 free plus a 15% discount)
My brother dumps so much money into this series, but he loves it.
My brother dumps so much money into this series, but he loves it.
I just bought the last Swap Force I didn't have. Buy 2 get 1 free makes you feel a bit better about how much money you spend on them, but I enjoyed the end of Trap Team SOOOoooo much. There were so many parts in that game that just put a big ol' smile on my face. Some of the boss battles are actually hard, I'm scared to do some of them on Nightmare.... ESPECIALLY the end boss, and I didn't want to stop watching the end credits because they were just so well done. Like Double Dragon Neon credits well
The only experience I have had with Ni No Kuni is youtube and that doesn't really count.
I bought it, played it for like an hour or 2. I was going to try and get my wife to watch me play it because she loves Studio Ghibli so that was a failure. Need to stop buying games and hammer out some dents caused by my backlog.
I bought it, played it for like an hour or 2. I was going to try and get my wife to watch me play it because she loves Studio Ghibli so that was a failure. Need to stop buying games and hammer out some dents caused by my backlog.

I would love to play Ni No Kuni, Youtube has shown me that it is one of my favorite rpg of all time even if I haven't played.

Might not make much sense but I watched over 50 hours of Ni No Kuni on youtube and still not enough to make me want to buy another PS3.
I would love to play Ni No Kuni, Youtube has shown me that it is one of my favorite rpg of all time even if I haven't played.

Might not make much sense but I watched over 50 hours of Ni No Kuni on youtube and still not enough to make me want to buy another PS3.
I watch a lot of games being streamed when I login to my PS4. I lose time and forget to play my own games sometimes. haha

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