Final Fantasy Series


PSLS Level: Bronze
This thread is up for any final fantasy discussion.

Anyone here playing ffx now ?

Does anyone know how to get 1 gil to pay Yomjibo to execute his zanmato skill ?
I was playing it awhile back, got really excited to play it and then my excitement just died down around 6 hours in for some reason.
Does anyone know how to get 1 gil to pay Yomjibo to execute his zanmato skill ?
Use him a lot. Pay him a lot. Level up Yuna's luck stats a lot.
^^^ all of that takes approximately 30 hours

After all of that is over, hope that 1 gil does it.
I'm trying to wait for the new one to come out, but with it taking so damn long i'm starting to wonder if it ever will. Let alone will it be worth the price tag.
Use him a lot. Pay him a lot. Level up Yuna's luck stats a lot.
^^^ all of that takes approximately 30 hours

After all of that is over, hope that 1 gil does it.

hmm 255 luck. that's going to be very tough.

need to farm for money though. max gil is 999999999 ?

thank you for the advice.

I'm trying to wait for the new one to come out, but with it taking so damn long i'm starting to wonder if it ever will. Let alone will it be worth the price tag.

FFXV ? Previously it got another name right ? they took too long to develop FFXV so they take another game to rename ?
hmm 255 luck. that's going to be very tough.

need to farm for money though. max gil is 999999999 ?

thank you for the advice.
Yeah, I somehow got lucky and killed Penance with Zanmato. I wasn't interested in maxing the luck, though I boosted it significantly.

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