Fun Trophies


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
I just finished playing Octodad: Dadliest Catch on PS4, and I had a lot of fun picking up the trophies that I missed after I finished the game the first time. It was a bronze-fest of 20 trophies, but some of those trophies actually added to the experience for me! Some of the things that you do for trophies in that game actually trigger other dialogues or events in the game, so that was really surprising to me. Also, while I haven't finished Final Fantasy X HD yet, the things you do for trophies in that game are also things that trigger new events, unlock abilities for Yuna and friends, or remind you of things that you might have missed while grinding through side quests (such as buying the spheres from the theater in Luca, which is something that I completely forgot to do when I played FFX on PS2).

What trophy or trophy list was the most fun for you?
Hmmm, good question, it's been all yard work and no trophies for me this weekend, so I'll have to get back into the trophy game and see what has been really fun to do.

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