Ridiculous Trophies

It would be manageable if it weren't for having to go back through the whole grid and empty nodes. Not to mention the damned Luck nodes!!!!! I despise those stupid things and just want to overwrite them all!
I'm going God Mode and filling the empties with luck. hahahaha
Well I seem to running into a number of fairly ridiculous ones lately.

The Hallowed/Corrupted trophies from Terraria seem like they'll be quite a feat.

The collect all armor/items/titles trophies from Cross Edge.

Reverse Pirating trophies from Disgaea 3 among others.

The Borderlands trophies from the last DLC where you have to collect so many of certain items (The Lubricator, Bobble-Trap, and What a Party! particularly). That and the arena trophies from the Mad Moxie's DLC.

One Piece: Pirate Warriors the gain all skills and defeating over 100,000 enemies are both fairly ridiculous too, granted they have a kind of synergy I suppose.
The friend coins are stopping me from getting all of the coin trophies.

Yeah I need those too. Granted those aren't the only coins I need (I need the bulk of the new marks and 2/3 of the new character coins too.) Hopefully I'll be able to get them, I'm not even sure if I entirely understand the whole friend coin thing. Do you just have to play with someone online or do they have to be on your friend list for PSN?
Do you just have to play with someone online or do they have to be on your friend list for PSN?
That's the part where I'm uncertain, though I've played several online levels and have only one or two friend coins. I think you have to play with people on your friends list.
That's the part where I'm uncertain, though I've played several online levels and have only one or two friend coins. I think you have to play with people on your friends list.

That could be a problem, I'm not sure anyone else on my friend list has the game, at least that I'm aware of.
Sometimes the most ridiculous trophies are the trophies that are just too incredibly easy to get.
The ones that are done as a joke are fine, there are some though that I'm pretty sure aren't meant as a joke. I just don't entirely get the point I guess.

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