Is Persona 4 Golden on Vita Worth it?

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
So I know that Person 4 Golden on Vita is a good game. Let's get that out of the way. I want it.

My question is this: Is it worth it just to pick it up right now, or do I wait for it to potentially be announced for Plus? I'm having a feeling that it will end up as a Plus title eventually, but if I go with that thought, it could mean that I never play it. So is it worth just getting it, or do I risk the wait? Perhaps I'll wait until the May Plus games are announced and decide then.
Help the people behind the game and pick it up now. I am honestly amazed you have waited so long on such an amazing game.
Help the people behind the game and pick it up now. I am honestly amazed you have waited so long on such an amazing game.
I blame backlog mostly, I've had so much else to play that a drought hasn't forced my hand on buying a new game. But I keep hearing about how great it is, so I figure I need to bump its priority up a little.
The game is worth it IF IF be warned IF you have the time and the will to play it to the end. Not because the game is bad NO is far from bad but the game is very long and has tons of things you can do and they are all fun. The thing is that you will need to play hours and hours and hours just to get to the end. I recommend it. Is one of the few Vita games that I would say to you BUY IT.

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