Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Clear Time

Dan Oravasaari

PSLS Level: Bronze
Staff member
Just curious to see how long it took you guys to complete the campaign?

First playthrough: 76 mins - 10% completion.

Looks like I might have missed a few things. ;)
My first playthrough of the main mission was right around that 70 - 80 minute mark and I only got 10% as well. I've worked my way through a couple of the side missions, and am up to 19% now, I think, but That's with a couple more hours of play time. I really want to attempt an S rank speed run on the main mission and see if I can do it in under 5 minutes.
I am sure within a few weeks we will be seeing some speedruns through it. If I had more time, i'd love to try my hand at some as well. MGS was the only game I ever did a speed run for, so it might be time to try GZ.
Can I put 0:00:00? Don't plan on playing it unless it is packaged with Phantom Pain. I have movies that are longer than they story campaign, and they cost less. I would like to check it out. However, I just don't feel the story is long enough to justify a purchase.
Can I put 0:00:00? Don't plan on playing it unless it is packaged with Phantom Pain. I have movies that are longer than they story campaign, and they cost less. I would like to check it out. However, I just don't feel the story is long enough to justify a purchase.
It has already been stated it can take around 8 hours to complete everything the game has to offer. Yes you can rush through it, but that would be your choice.
It has already been stated it can take around 8 hours to complete everything the game has to offer. Yes you can rush through it, but that would be your choice.

That's fine for completionists, but " offer" isn't quite for those wanting to get more out of a cohesive story. I very rarely complete games 100%. They really have to grip me by the soul and never let go. And I certainly never feel I have been shafted if I fail to 100% a game. I've beaten the story, I'm good. I'll go back and do side things if I feel so inclined or moved to do so.
That's fine for completionists, but " offer" isn't quite for those wanting to get more out of a cohesive story. I very rarely complete games 100%. They really have to grip me by the soul and never let go. And I certainly never feel I have been shafted if I fail to 100% a game. I've beaten the story, I'm good. I'll go back and do side things if I feel so inclined or moved to do so.
Well that's your decision. I agree with you on the 100% thing. Very rarely do I go for it. Now side missions is a different story. I typically always complete these when playing a game.
Well that's your decision. I agree with you on the 100% thing. Very rarely do I go for it. Now side missions is a different story. I typically always complete these when playing a game.
That's his choice but it also doesn't change the fact that this game is short as hell. Eight hours is about the length of a COD campaign. Those are constantly bashed for being short. I fail to see how this is any different.
That's his choice but it also doesn't change the fact that this game is short as hell. Eight hours is about the length of a COD campaign. Those are constantly bashed for being short. I fail to see how this is any different.
But that's the thing. I'm speaking from my perspective. It has never bothered me on the length of the CoD games. Heavenly Sword took about 7-8 hours, Mirror's Edge as well. These were two of my top games last generation, and they were considered "short" by many critics and users. If a game is good, regardless of length, I will play it.
But that's the thing. I'm speaking from my perspective. It has never bothered me on the length of the CoD games. Heavenly Sword took about 7-8 hours, Mirror's Edge as well. These were two of my top games last generation, and they were considered "short" by many critics and users. If a game is good, regardless of length, I will play it.

I as well. But I won't pay a price I consider too high in regards to the length of that quality content.
My first playthrough was 2 hours - took my time, saw the sights etc.

I've now done it in 15mins on Hard with 0 kills/alerts/retries and with reflex off.
My first playthrough was 2 hours - took my time, saw the sights etc.

I've now done it in 15mins on Hard with 0 kills/alerts/retries and with reflex off.

Seriously? 15 minutes completion? That is just making me even less inclined to get it.
Seriously? 15 minutes completion? That is just making me even less inclined to get it.

It's not really the spirit of the game though. It's not designed for you to bomb through, skip the cutscenes (far far shorter and less intrusive than older MGS' btw), exploiting knowledge of where guards will be at exact times and so on.

There are also five side missions, which are a good 30mins each on top.

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