Most underrated PS3 games

Brian Mieszala

PSLS Level: Bronze
We are in a bit of a gaming drought. Sure we have Watch Dogs and TLoU PS4 coming out, but much of the summer, as it always is, is a bit weak on games. So here we can compile some PS3 games that we thought were gems but were largely ignored by everyone.

I have two for you: Nier is an obvious choice, because the story and gameplay are pretty good, but so few people know it exists it got left out to dry. My second pick was possibly my GOTY in 2011, a game that came out around the same time Skyrim did; Rune Factory Tides of Destiny. Rune Factory is like the old Harvest Moon titles, except farming takes a backseat, particularly in this one, to fighting monsters, unraveling a story and interacting with people in your town. It was very addicting and I put way too much time into it.
I've always wanted to give Rune Factory a try, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town has got to be one of my favorite games of all time.

Here are a couple of recommendations just glancing at my shelf, I'll try to keep it short because I'm the type to get carried away.

Brutal Legend - One big love letter to heavy metal culture, a bit short and incomplete but still very enjoyable. Mechanically it incorporates real-time strategy, hack and slash, and even open world sandbox mechanics a la GTA. Great humor and a fantastic soundtrack.

Vanquish - What I personally feel is Platinum's magnum opus, this game manages to take all modern third person shooter conventions (weapon limits, cover shooting, regen health) and turn them completely around into the fastest, most balls to the wall third person shooter you've ever played. Length leaves a bit to be desired, but challenge maps, a very quirky trophy list, and higher difficulties (I still maintain that God Hard difficulty is impossible to beat) make it all worthwhile in the end.

Earth Defense Force 2025 - Essentially it's Starship Troopers made by Japanese people. It's a game that's not concerned with storytelling or graphics, and was instead approached purely from a gameplay perspective. The game features 4 different character classes that play completely differently, with hundreds of weapons available to unlock to make the task of killing giant robots and insects all the more satisfying.

Mirror's Edge: Pretty fun first person parkour game. Controls are tight, allowing for quick movement and speed building. Because of its minimalist use of color and level design, I still consider this to be one of the most visually arresting games of the 7th gen. Just don't try to think of this as a shooter otherwise you'll end up like @Lifewish with a wrongfully skewed view of the game.
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I'd give my list of games, but I don't want to be criticized or bitched at for what's on it.
Hey if you want to list 10 games you can, but you can always just list one of two. I've played my Call of Dutys and was actually made fun of by my wife for playing Ar Tenelico Qoga for PS3. We aren't here to judge, just potentially open the eyes of someone to some underrated games.
Hey if you want to list 10 games you can, but you can always just list one of two. I've played my Call of Dutys and was actually made fun of by my wife for playing Ar Tenelico Qoga for PS3. We aren't here to judge, just potentially open the eyes of someone to some underrated games.

in that case:
Metal Gear Rising
BLEACH: Soul Ressurection
Sengoku Basara
Always wanted to play Deadpool. I know it's not spectacular, but it's Deadpool so it should be hilarious. Likewise always wanted to play an EDF game, but it seems more fit for a Vita. Then again I think the Vita version wasn't made by the main dev
Always wanted to play Deadpool. I know it's not spectacular, but it's Deadpool so it should be hilarious. Likewise always wanted to play an EDF game, but it seems more fit for a Vita. Then again I think the Vita version wasn't made by the main dev
The Vita version is an enhanced port of EDF2017, which was made by the main devs. Insect Armageddon is the one that was made by worse devs and it wasn't on Vita
The Vita version is an enhanced port of EDF2017, which was made by the main devs. Insect Armageddon is the one that was made by worse devs and it wasn't on Vita

Good to know. I'm just waiting for a sale or something, not that I wouldn't pay full price, but it will be better justification to buy it with an already extensive backlog.
Always wanted to play Deadpool. I know it's not spectacular, but it's Deadpool so it should be hilarious. Likewise always wanted to play an EDF game, but it seems more fit for a Vita. Then again I think the Vita version wasn't made by the main dev
Deadpool is quite enjoyable. Found myself laughing multiple times it made @Lifewish laugh, so you know it has to have some humor. The gameplay is ok, average game. But if you are a fan of Deadpool I would recommend checking it out at some point.
Always wanted to play Deadpool. I know it's not spectacular, but it's Deadpool so it should be hilarious. Likewise always wanted to play an EDF game, but it seems more fit for a Vita. Then again I think the Vita version wasn't made by the main dev

If you are a fan of deadpool you will love the game, it's funny as hell.
Vanquish is a good one that got overlooked by a lot of people. I would also throw in there Alice: Madness Returns and any of the Yakuza games.
I'd second Alice: Madness Returns and Brutal Legend.

I'd also add the Atelier series, Folklore, Valkyria Chronicles, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, and Split/Second.
Vanquish is a good one that got overlooked by a lot of people. I would also throw in there Alice: Madness Returns and any of the Yakuza games.

I second Vanquish but I'm assuming (or hoping) most people have had PS+ for a while, long enough to have snagged it free when it was in the IGC
Alice: Madness Returns
Katamari Forever

I've wanted to play Nier for a while, but I never got around to picking it up.
I've only started Alice: Madness Returns, just never completed it. The game was pretty good though.
I pre-ordered it for my wife. She really loved American Mcgee's Alice, so she was amped up to hear about a sequel coming to consoles with the original also being on there as DLC.

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