Newbie from La. (Louisiana)

Welcome to the site @SNOWMANFLURRY! Always great to have another member of the community. Feel free to add any of the members of the site, most of us are always looking for more PSN friends. Also if you have any questions feel free to ask. :)
Don't worry, i like to think there is no such thing as normal, and awkward people are always fun to talk to, feel free to add me and maybe we can chat!
That's the PSLS staff and community! Welcome! We're all awkward people here, have you seen my interview with Shuhei? I wasn't sure who needed the mic for the first half of it.... talk about awkward....
Keep this in mind.

You had an interview with Shuhei Yoshida (or Brohei Broshida, whatever jkjkjk). And this (from what I can tell, is a medium site, but good nonetheless) is cool.
My internet kinda sucks too. I live in a very rural area (in the middle of nowhere) But thankfully my ping is all right, in the contiguous United States anyway. My ping is usually around 60-70ms. Sometimes I try to sim race with people in Europe and it lags up to 120-200ms:(

That's the PSLS staff and community! Welcome! We're all awkward people here, have you seen my interview with Shuhei? I wasn't sure who needed the mic for the first half of it.... talk about awkward....

I think you did fine Chan. When I first saw that screenshot I was thinking "holy crap thats Chan talking to Brohei!" You lucky bastard! :cool:
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