Please help me...


PSLS Level: Newbie
I'm a new PS plus/PS now user. I've seen and read a million posts about this but nothing is working for me and they're all dated at least 2 years ago. I am repeatedly kicked off of PSN after playing for about 30 mins. I have tried opening ports turning off the media server and UPnP, set up separate IP addresses, changed the primary and 2nd DNS, my NAT is type 2, unchecking "keep me signed in" , I think just about everything. Does anyone know of any new tricks or something that worked for them?
How fast is your internet connection? If you're playing any games online, you will ideally want to have an internet connection that is at least 5-10mbps. Otherwise, you risk the connection dumping out on you at irregular intervals.

Also, check to make sure your password is safe. If someone signs into your PSN account from another device while you are online, sometimes it will drop the connection.
Changed my user I.D., that did the trick. I guess I had a corrupt file hiding in there. So I safe mode, file fixed it, changed the account, problem solved. Weird, I've had issues with my network security too since I moved. BOO xfinity!
Thanks for the reply dude.

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