PS4 Controller Hardware Problems

This post is old now but I just realized I never gave an update on how this turned out for me....
I ended up ignoring all the good advice you guys tried to give me (It was good advice!), and I performed surgery on my controllers. I ended up getting both of them to work just fine. My R2 and L2 buttons are now more sensitive than normal since I ended up removing the spring in both of them, but other than occasionally causing me to waste a few bullets in Destiny, this has not been a problem for me at all. It was also very easy to do. Sending the controllers to Sony is probably the best option, but I went from having no working controllers to two, so I'm satisfied.
Lol glad you're happy. I'm laughing because people got so upset about batteries thanks to this thread. Good times good times.
I just got a glazier white destiny bundle and it did the flashing blue light thing and isn't show on my TV. I contacted Sony and they are sending me a box so I can send the console back for a replacement.
I just got a glazier white destiny bundle and it did the flashing blue light thing and isn't show on my TV. I contacted Sony and they are sending me a box so I can send the console back for a replacement.
Did you try holding down the button a few seconds for a second beep to see if it went into menus that you could use to fix the issue? Or is this some Dead On Arrival issue? (Known as DOA)
contacted Sony and they are sending me a box so I can send the console back for a replacement.
Did you try holding down the button a few seconds for a second beep to see if it went into menus that you could use to fix the issue? Or is this some Dead On Arrival issue? (Known as DOA)
Yea I tryed getting into safe mode with no luck. The PS4 worked when I opened it, hooked it up and did the installation. Later on that night I was playing Destiny and exit the game and thats when it all started happening.
Yea I tryed getting into safe mode with no luck. The PS4 worked when I opened it, hooked it up and did the installation. Later on that night I was playing Destiny and exit the game and thats when it all started happening.
Maybe it was your....

Destiny to have that PS4 fail.

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