Really enjoying Batman Arkham:Blackgate. On sale in PSN store!

I recently bought it too on the Superhero Sale on PSN. Fantastic game. I downloaded and played the demo of Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition for the PS3 a while back as well. It looks good and plays nearly identical to the Vita. Batman Arkham Knight.... now there's a game I'm excited about. :)
Ya, from what i've heard people say that wasn't worth the price they charged for it. Which is what i guess would constitute as a ripoff, but like i said i've never played it so i wouldn't be able to give ya much info.
Oh I wouldn't have paid full price for it, but what I paid for it on Amazon was well worth it IMO.
I recently bought it too on the Superhero Sale on PSN. Fantastic game. I downloaded and played the demo of Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition for the PS3 a while back as well. It looks good and plays nearly identical to the Vita. Batman Arkham Knight.... now there's a game I'm excited about. :)
I have yet to try out the PS3 version of it.

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