Red Dead Redemption 2

Well it's kind of bad when you're half a year into your release and you still haven't added all the features.
GTA is an unstoppable hype machine. It takes long enough between releases and holds enough controversy to be mentioned by everyone. While I enjoyed GTA V (still haven't actually finished it), I would have much preferred a follow up to Red Dead. To me, the options available in the old west (hunting, horseback riding, the 'lawlessness', etc.) make for a much better and more desirable open world game than the bullet riddled, profanity filled, drug ridden repetition that fills the GTA games. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go see a man about a horse.
RDR was one of my favorite games of last gen. I expect them to release another at some point, and I will be beyond thrilled once they do. An RDR sequel is easily in my top 5 most wanted games. No idea if there is anything to the rumor, but I sure hope so.

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