The Korean Drama Thread


Staff member
So I saw some people wanting to know what I had seen or looking for new shows, so here is a thread to post about Korean dramas, talk about different shows, what you have seen, etc.

Just a heads up, I really love anything Korean and watch everything from crime dramas to romance dramas.

So far my currently watching list is (episodes seen/total episodes):

Ghost (3/20)
Girls Love Away (40/50)
Let's Eat (8/16)

Ghost is about a cyber division detective who is trying to catch a group of corrupt cops and cyper terrorist. Girls Love Away is about romance. Let's Eat is a quirky drama about food of course.

My Completed Dramas:

A Gentleman's Dignity
City Hunter
Creating Destiny
Crime Squad
Dating Agency: Cyrano
Flower Boy Next Door
Flower Boy Ramyun Shop
I Hear Your Voice
Operation Proposal
Playful Kiss
Queen in Hyun's Man
School 2013
Shut Up: Flower Boy Band
Special Affairs Team TEN
Special Affairs Team TEN Season 2
Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Take Care of the Young Lady
The Heirs
The Master's Sun
Two Weeks
What's Up
You're Beautiful
nice list, since I'm more into music, I mainly watch the music channels for japan, korea, and china. although I do watch shows and movies as well. I just never remember names lol
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I highly recommend Secret Garden.

Its on Netflix and is only 20 episodes long. Its the first (and only) Korean drama I've seen to completion, but its a great feel-good romantic show.

Also, I know this is a drama thread, but since you mentioned you love all things Korean, I HIGHLY recommend The Man From Nowhere. It stars Won Bin and is one of the best action films I've ever seen, and its got a pretty damn good story as well.
Also, I know this is a drama thread, but since you mentioned you love all things Korean, I HIGHLY recommend The Man From Nowhere. It stars Won Bin and is one of the best action films I've ever seen, and its got a pretty damn good story as well.

I have actually been meaning to watch it and i took out all movies from that list I posted.
Flower Boy Ramyun Shop
I very rarely watch anything Korean (not because I don't want to, but I'm just not as into the scene as I am with Japanese works), but I did catch this one on Netflix a little while back, and enjoyed it quite a bit -- more than I expected to. Not that it was unexpected whatsoever, but I was still sad to see what became of my favorite character in the show. :( (Will avoid names, for spoilers' sake.)

I HIGHLY recommend The Man From Nowhere. It stars Won Bin and is one of the best action films I've ever seen, and its got a pretty damn good story as well.
Have this queued on Netflix, just 'cause it seemed like it had potential to interest me. With such praise, perhaps it'll have to be the next thing I watch on there.
I have actually been meaning to watch it and i took out all movies from that list I posted.

Have this queued on Netflix, just 'cause it seemed like it had potential to interest me. With such praise, perhaps it'll have to be the next thing I watch on there.

I hope you both do watch it and enjoy it. Aside from being a fantastic action movie with a good story, several parts of it had me in tears.

I look forward to your reactions whenever you get around to watching it.
I very rarely watch anything Korean (not because I don't want to, but I'm just not as into the scene as I am with Japanese works), but I did catch this one on Netflix a little while back, and enjoyed it quite a bit -- more than I expected to. Not that it was unexpected whatsoever, but I was still sad to see what became of my favorite character in the show. :( (Will avoid names, for spoilers' sake.)

If you liked FBRS, then you would also like Flower Boy Next Door (Extremely funny funny stuff) and Shut Up: Flower Boy Band for the good music.

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