The Official Destiny PSLS Clan Is Live!!!


PSLS Level: Silver
Hey guys I told you when I would be getting the PSLS Clan up and running for Destiny, and with me currently installing the beta, I have plenty of time to create it. So join up! Regardless of where you are playing (PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360), the game is available to join. :)

When you are joining the clan, it may say that you need to "Request" to be added to it, but I have the clan set to open so that anyone can join. But be sure to click "Set As PlayStation Clan" or "Set As Xbox Clan". I was able to Set it as my Xbox clan, but for some reason I keep getting a server error when attempting to add it as my PlayStation clan.

Cool! I wont be playing the Beta but I'll be playing this a lot on PS4 when it releases.
I hear you. Though I won't be working on trophies. Since football season has started I have literally no time to play games right now. :(

Yea I hear you... Unless you are a pro football player that's why you have no time... But I bought a ticket for a pre-season game!
Yea I hear you... Unless you are a pro football player that's why you have no time... But I bought a ticket for a pre-season game!

Over here they were allowing people to see pre-season training. Albeit for a limited time, it was pretty cool.

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