The Official Destiny PSLS Clan Is Live!!!

I might have to hold off on the PS4 version for a bit, because I was looking for the Limited Edition and it was sold out for PS4 everywhere. Only found the Xbox One version, and preordered it immediately. :(
Im still on there about every other day. I try to at least get my daily public events in and some random patrol missions. Never enough time to really get into the longer strikes or raids though.
Whose up for helping me out? I'm rank 23. Need someone to run with for Rank 24 strikes so I don't get a bunch of lowbie randoms that suck.
This clan had a lot of potential I think, but it suffered from the fact that I think most of the members failed to add each other as actual friends on PSN. I ended up joining a different clan but I'm certainly not opposed to helping out interested people that are still active in this PSLS clan.
This clan had a lot of potential I think, but it suffered from the fact that I think most of the members failed to add each other as actual friends on PSN. I ended up joining a different clan but I'm certainly not opposed to helping out interested people that are still active in this PSLS clan.

Likewise nobody would ever help when asked so i left the clan and joined another group that actually helps each other out.
Sorry guys.

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