Trophy Patches


PSLS Level: Silver
what game or games would you like to see get a trophy patch?
for me I would like to see a patch for:
Devil May Cry 4 and Siren Blood Curse
Folklore was an interesting game. Wish Sony would have given it a Trophy Patch. Would have rejuvenated the game early on if they did it right away when people bought EVERY game that had trophies.
Folklore was an interesting game. Wish Sony would have given it a Trophy Patch. Would have rejuvenated the game early on if they did it right away when people bought EVERY game that had trophies.
I know a lot of people that loved that game. I remember playing the demo off of the PS Store. It was definitely different.
i just wish so many gaming companies out there weren't so damn lazy to put out a patch.
i just wish so many gaming companies out there weren't so damn lazy to put out a patch.
Some of those dev teams get disbanded after a game. I don't know why Kojima Productions took so long doing a Trophy Patch for MGS4.

Other groups were surprising that they patched it in. Never expected Warhawk or Burnout Paradise to patch those in.
the day 'crapcom' makes a trophy patch for devil may cry 4, is the day people stop buying Cal of Duty what so ever
I dont understand why you want trophy patches when you have repeatedly stated you dont go for trophies.

just because I'm not a trophy hunter doesn't mean I don't like getting them, and this thread isn't about me, of course you would know that if you read the very top.
I always wanted a trophy patch for Resistance: Fall of Man and Heavenly Sword. Never got either. :(

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