Trophy Patches

I bought all the DLC on Valkyria Chronicles hoping that they would release a trophy patch if a bunch of people bought the DLC. T_T
Siren Blood Curse

Valkyria Chronicles
Agreed, although they did do what I like to see non-trophy titles do, which is to have an in-game achievement system (see: medals). It's nothing that gets recorded outside of the game, of course, but it does at least provide that extra completion challenge, and gives a visible confirmation of your feats like trophies do.

Agreed, although they did do what I like to see non-trophy titles do, which is to have an in-game achievement system (see: medals). It's nothing that gets recorded outside of the game, of course, but it does at least provide that extra completion challenge, and gives a visible confirmation of your feats like trophies do.
Star Ocean Till the End of Time called their goals "Trophies"

Some of them were insane like "Beat end boss with a level 1 character"
Additionally: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.

And any other game that started a series/franchise with trophies in later installments, really. Call it OCD if you'd like, but I just find it irritating when a game in a series gets singled out like that, lol.
Additionally: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.

And any other game that started a series/franchise with trophies in later installments, really. Call it OCD if you'd like, but I just find it irritating when a game in a series gets singled out like that, lol.
You must hate that the Resistance Fall of Man series did that.

They even released a collection and they never added trophies to the first game. XD
Additionally: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.

And any other game that started a series/franchise with trophies in later installments, really. Call it OCD if you'd like, but I just find it irritating when a game in a series gets singled out like that, lol.

This kind of bugs me as well, especially when I get a lot of trophies in the other games of the series.

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