What is your favorite Resident Evil game of all time?


PSLS Level: Newbie
You can probably tell what my favorite is. RE4 which is the first RE game I've ever played that got me interested in the RE games. I've played them all afterwards. What about you guys?
I've been waiting for Resident Evil 3 Remake for a long time, and I will say that for a good reason. The developers made an incredible remake of the second part of the Resident Evil series. The best remake of an old game I've ever seen. The only downside to it is that it's pretty short. I recommend this game to everyone and not just fans of the series. Since I have already gone through this game several times, I have found another project I like. However, I don't always have time to pump my character because I work, and I was happy to find out that skycoach.gg provides a service to pass boring levels. Now I have more time to enjoy the game.
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Just wanted to chime in and say that, personally, I'm a sucker for the atmospheric horror of RE7. The first-person perspective added a whole new level of intensity. Have you given it a go? It's a bit of a departure but totally worth the experience! Additionally, I wanted to mention that if you're into games, you might want to try some apps that pay you real money. It's a cool opportunity to earn some extra cash while doing something you enjoy. Speaking from personal experience, I've had success with a few interesting apps, and I thought I'd share the wealth! If you're interested in this sort of thing, I'd be happy to share some recommendations!
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