Where do you live?

Sturgis, MI
Do you guys not have Round Table there?

Oh i wish we did, it must be one of those places where it's west coast only. I've NEVER seen it anywhere on the east coast. Oh how i miss it. HEY SEND SOME OVER!! I'll pay for the priority shipping.lol
Oh i wish we did, it must be one of those places where it's west coast only. I've NEVER seen it anywhere on the east coast. Oh how i miss it. HEY SEND SOME OVER!! I'll pay for the priority shipping.lol
Oh, that sucks. I thought it was a national chain. Sure, but no promises that one or two slices won't go missing.
I have yet to partake. If I do, I will have to take pictures and send them to @Jacky

The buffet display itself is kind of sad looking but the pizza tastes great. They also had some kind of dessert pizza. Best... I think it was a little over 5 bucks last time I checked. That was years ago though.
Nashville, Tennessee. And loving every bit of Music City. Quite a bit of gamers around here as well.
I grew up like an hour and a half from there in KY. I lived in Clarksville, TN for a month or so, but it wasn't for me. I always spend a day in Nashville when I visit my family in KY.

I've lived in NJ for almost 5 years now. I think I'm much better suited for NJ than KY, but I would like to move maybe to Nashville or in its surrounding area one day. Being close to Philadelphia and NYC is good and all, but I really miss Nashville when I haven't been there in a while.

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