Where do you live?

I grew up like an hour and a half from there in KY. I lived in Clarksville, TN for a month or so, but it wasn't for me. I always spend a day in Nashville when I visit my family in KY.

I've lived in NJ for almost 5 years now. I think I'm much better suited for NJ than KY, but I would like to move maybe to Nashville or in its surrounding area one day. Being close to Philadelphia and NYC is good and all, but I really miss Nashville when I haven't been there in a while.

If you're moving to Nashville, and can afford it, stay on the West side. Bellevue or Bellemeade area. Safest and cleanest side of town. Lot less unsavory "gangs" and drug trafficking as well. Generally, it is a nice neighborhood.

I was born in Nashville. But I moved to a small town about 50 miles away. Grew up there and loved the simple life and scenery. And damn do I miss the sweet smelling, clean air. Moved back here about 5 years ago. I like the West side. It isn't super urban and you can almost forget you're in a city. Cities just don't do it for me. I like nature and a bit of peace. I could never live closer to the city proper.
I'm from a small town in the western part of MD. Hopefully soon though I'll be getting the hell out of here and moving someplace interesting.

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