Would You Get A PlayStation Vita TV?

Would You Purchase A PS Vita TV?

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I'll get one for sure... such a cool little console. Sony should be commended for bringing out a cool product like this.
I'll get one for sure... such a cool little console. Sony should be commended for bringing out a cool product like this.
I'll commend Sony, the moment they announce it for the west =)
I think they announced the Dual Shock 4 support for it actually... going to search quick.

Found it! I've seen it elsewhere but N4G was the quickest.
I'll commend Sony, the moment they announce it for the west =)
I think they announced the Dual Shock 4 support for it actually... going to search quick.

Found it! I've seen it elsewhere but N4G was the quickest.
True. Let's wait for a western release before we throw them a party.
I don't understand why Sony region locked this. They're struggling financially so you would think they would want as many sales as possible, even if people have to import them.
With that said I wont be picking one up anyways as i only have 1 HD TV in my house which my PS4 is connected to so it would be fairly useless to me
I don't get why they chose to region lock the device. :(
I kind of understand it. It's has a unique storefront from the regular PS Vita. Only containing the compatible games.
Its actually why I'm concerned about its chances of coming to the States. SCEA has never shown interest in supporting the Vita other than localizing SCEJ games and porting some HD classics. Them creating a whole new storefront seems like a tall order considering their previous efforts.

I really do hope I'm wrong.
I don't understand why Sony region locked this.
Future planning.

Like @Borshay said, SCEA neglects the Vita quite a bit, but I think what it boils down to is that the demand for a good portable in the US isn't as strong as it is in Japan. However, if they stop us from importing the Vita tv, then they could sell it to us later (once all of the red tape with regulators is finished; maybe even after E3 or something), and market it to the vast majority of American gamers who prefer to see their games on a television. If you region lock it today, you can gloat about its potential sales tomorrow, once it's released in the previously unavailable country. Maybe that's a pipedream, but that's what I think would make the most sense.
If you region lock it today, you can gloat about its potential sales tomorrow, once it's released in the previously unavailable country.

If it wasn't region locked only dedicated fans would have imported it, not casual gamers. When/If they unlock it they can still boast about potential sales as it will be a new product entering a new market
My wife and I are eagerly awaiting one to put with one of our other TVs, either in the bedroom or computer room. The fact that you can stream PS3 and PS4 means we can both be playing one or the other without moving systems from the main TV or buying more consoles.
They never said you can stream PS3 games with Vita TV like the PS4 does. Unless you mean with PlayStation Now.

I totally would. This past week, my brothers been hogging the hell out of the tv playing GTA Online every damn day and I'm to lazy to move my PS4 to our (smaller) monitor (On the other side of the room) because it has no built- in speaker. Because it's a monitor. Also because it's smaller. I would use it to stream my PS4 to mthe living room tv.
I'm wondering if this will change with time. Really unsure though. The handheld definitely deserves more attention.

I'm crossing my fingers that the new president of SCEA wants to at least try. Jack Tretton was great for SCE and Sony fans... as long as you only give a damn about their main consoles. SCEE and SCEJ have done great work with the Vita, its past due for SCEA to help out.

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