Update 3.30 is up!


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
[Theme & Background] has been added to [Settings]. You can download your favorite themes and customize the PS Vita/PS TV.

You can now check the rarity of trophies.

You can now attach and send events created in [Calendar] to [Messages] and . Recipients can save those events in their own calendars.

You can now add Friends and other players to events created in [Calendar].

The name of the VTE-1000 series has been changed to “PlayStation TV”.

A maximum of 4 wireless controllers can be connected to the PS TV. The number of players depends on the game or application.

Themes should be available to purchase starting tomorrow.
I have my fingers crossed that the Danganronpa Theme makes it here by the end of the year
I've already upgraded earlier today and have seen no problems with it so far. There are tiny graphic improvements with the update as well (specially with the popup messages).

Let's see how this whole "themes" thing pans out.

It'd be interesting if Sony allowed creation of community themes. But I doubt it'll happen.
I haven't really messed around with the update so far but it hasn't messed up anything which is a plus.

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