Your last Vita MUST buy game was...

Big Head

PSLS Level: Bronze
awhile ago.

Tearaway for me. Grabbed MLB 14 because I'm a fan of the franchise and play it, but Tearaway was my last must buy.
Final Fantasy X HD. It was worth it because I no longer own a PS2, and I never had the opportunity to play all of the extra content from the International version since it was never released in North America. :D
Can't think of anything, i'll most likely hop on the jpn transplantacct i have on my vita and just transfer over all the psp games.
FFX or Danganronpa. Couple games coming out in the next couple months that are 'Must Buys' for me.
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Soul Sacrifice Delta was a must-buy from the moment I found out it existed... Other than that, last one I can remember was Killzone Mercenary
For me, it was Child of Light. I don't play on anything except portable devices, and I really love side-scrolling games AND RPGs. So it was a no brainer.
Just got Child of Light after seeing the trailer, I'm on chapter 3 now and so far I'm loving this game.
Tearaway for me. Would love to have a proper original RPG though, FFX and Persona 4 were technically re-releases. I would love to see a 1st party Sony RPG, since i dont think anyone else will bother with the Vita at this point.

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