Your most anticipated PS4 game

Of course I haven't played the Beta. Why do you think I said "Is there a reason I should be excited about it"

It's not the Elder Scrolls game play I'm excited about. The gameplay isn't amazing. It's like Dark Souls Lite. I like the steal stuff, kill people, craft stolen stuff to make it no longer stolen, sort of craftiness.

Is there a fee for this game? I'd much rather just have the ability to invite friends who are playing an Elder Scrolls game into my game to do stuff with and vice versa.
Yes there is a monthly fee for the game. $15 a month I believe.
Yeah, I pay for Plus and Music Unlimited already. I'll probably pay for PS Now, too. Games with a specific subscription are a no-go for me.
Anyone know anything about Deep Down?

Capcom PS4 Dungeon Crawler. Getting me a bit anticipated.

You know what? Screw it I'm most anticipated for Dark Souls 2 PS4! Even if it's not announced! Or coming out!
currently I have no intention on getting a ps4, nor am I interested in it. it would take ALOT of games (or perhaps another metal gear rising) to get me to buy one. so far the only one that seems interesting is evolve.
currently I have no intention on getting a ps4, nor am I interested in it. it would take ALOT of games (or perhaps another metal gear rising) to get me to buy one. so far the only one that seems interesting is evolve.
Not interested in the new Metal Gear Solid title?
currently I have no intention on getting a ps4, nor am I interested in it. it would take ALOT of games (or perhaps another metal gear rising) to get me to buy one. so far the only one that seems interesting is evolve.
My Tax refund is going to be 1.2k I'm getting it while i have the chance. I already have like 8 games that are cross-buy, and I was underwhelmed with A Realm Reborn on PS3. I really want to use all the Record, Share, Stream and Cross-Game chat.
That one is just like a 4-8 hour game. Hardly worth buying a $400 dollar console and paying $40 dollars for. At least that's what I heard about it. Could be wrong.
I was also referring to The Phantom Pain as well. I plan on getting both, though I know The Phantom Pain doesn't have a release date yet though.
My Tax refund is going to be 1.2k I'm getting it while i have the chance. I already have like 8 games that are cross-buy, and I was underwhelmed with A Realm Reborn on PS3. I really want to use all the Record, Share, Stream and Cross-Game chat.

I may get one someday, but certainly not interested at the moment. it's not to say that it does not have some impressive titles, it obviously does.
Still need to play Metal Gear: Rising

though it is a spin off based on Raiden, it is still very good imo. if you like fast paced over the top action and hack and slash games, then you'll like this. the game really does justice to raiden, he no longer comes off as a joke in my opinion.
I may get one someday, but certainly not interested at the moment. it's not to say that it does not have some impressive titles, it obviously does.
It's less about the amazing exclusives (other than Infamous Second Son) and more about having the money, and having a bunch of Cross-buy titles that transfer from PS3 to the PS4.
My Tax refund is going to be 1.2k I'm getting it while i have the chance. I already have like 8 games that are cross-buy, and I was underwhelmed with A Realm Reborn on PS3. I really want to use all the Record, Share, Stream and Cross-Game chat.

To each their own.

Anyhow, A Realm Reborn on PS4 is the best version of the game. I've played PS3, currently play on PC, and played the beta on PS4. The game performs so much better on PS4 as compared to PS3 or PC. And if you are looking for graphics, oddly enough, they are superior on PS4. I hear the PC crowd are quite displeased with that. Personally, I'm pleased they now have no more "ammunition" against console gamers.
To each their own.

Anyhow, A Realm Reborn on PS4 is the best version of the game. I've played PS3, currently play on PC, and played the beta on PS4. The game performs so much better on PS4 as compared to PS3 or PC. And if you are looking for graphics, oddly enough, they are superior on PS4. I hear the PC crowd are quite displeased with that. Personally, I'm pleased they now have no more "ammunition" against console gamers.
I've downloaded the Beta to my PS4. Still need to try it.
To each their own.

Anyhow, A Realm Reborn on PS4 is the best version of the game. I've played PS3, currently play on PC, and played the beta on PS4. The game performs so much better on PS4 as compared to PS3 or PC. And if you are looking for graphics, oddly enough, they are superior on PS4. I hear the PC crowd are quite displeased with that. Personally, I'm pleased they now have no more "ammunition" against console gamers.
My Linkshell says the graphics are way better on PC than PS4.

So the game is only as good as your PC. I've got a crap PC. I'm surprised I was able to do Ifrit and some of the stuff I did on my bad PC. So the PS4 version will be better than my PC.
My Linkshell says the graphics are way better on PC than PS4.

So the game is only as good as your PC. I've got a crap PC. I'm surprised I was able to do Ifrit and some of the stuff I did on my bad PC. So the PS4 version will be better than my PC.

Tell your link shell I can run XIV flawlessly at max settings and a steady 50fps. The PS4 version definitely looked better to me. And I know 10fps will not make that huge a difference. But whatever. I couldn't care less about the graphics being better. I just thought it humorous that is all the PC crowd tout as better when comparing to console. And sharper graphics just aren't worth an additional $600 for a machine.

The game looks fantastic on both platforms. Personally, I enjoy it more with a controller. And that is better executed on a console.
Tell your link shell I can run XIV flawlessly at max settings and a steady 50fps. The PS4 version definitely looked better to me. And I know 10fps will not make that huge a difference. But whatever. I couldn't care less about the graphics being better. I just thought it humorous that is all the PC crowd tout as better when comparing to console. And sharper graphics just aren't worth an additional $600 for a machine.

The game looks fantastic on both platforms. Personally, I enjoy it more with a controller. And that is better executed on a console.
I'm not gonna start a fight for no reason. XD

They play with the settings more than just crank up to max. Kind of people who si there and play with every slider, and everything until they get it to their preference.
Don't see how you can get better quality than the maximum allowed, but to each their own. I know what my eyes saw. I just can't wait to play it with the DualShock 4!

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