2.0 Playstation 4 Update dropping as I type!


PSLS Level: Newbie
Cant believe I am excited about "themes" ;) A year of looking at the same screen will do that to a person.
Really disappointed in the themes area. What pisses me off is i can't carry over my own pics and put them on the ps4, not even ones i have on my usb drive. Which the ps4 doesn't even seem to acknowledge those (usb drives)
Really disappointed in the themes area. What pisses me off is i can't carry over my own pics and put them on the ps4, not even ones i have on my usb drive. Which the ps4 doesn't even seem to acknowledge those (usb drives)
Yea the themes are sparse right now but let's hope they add more quickly.
Really disappointed in the themes area. What pisses me off is i can't carry over my own pics and put them on the ps4, not even ones i have on my usb drive. Which the ps4 doesn't even seem to acknowledge those (usb drives)
They probably dont' want to deal with a flood of users complaining that their picture's colors make it hard to see icons and things like that, or that it looks like crap, or all the other things people would complain about.

They may have also seen our forums "PS VITA screenshot thread" and went "Oh yeah let's not enable that yet."
They probably dont' want to deal with a flood of users complaining that their picture's colors make it hard to see icons and things like that, or that it looks like crap, or all the other things people would complain about.

They may have also seen our forums "PS VITA screenshot thread" and went "Oh yeah let's not enable that yet."

But their themes already make it difficult to see text/icons. I like that white one with the rectangles, but at times it's hard to see text while using it

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