Define AAA Title's

after hearing what a lot of people define AAA games as it made me wonder, just what exactly do you consider a AAA title? what do you think the definition of a AAA title is?
I have always read, seen, and heard the official definition of "AAA" used in the sense that the budgets behind them were huge. So, I have always viewed them as such. Because of such massive amounts of funding, people come to expect great products from the companies behind them. Unfortunately, the masses have unduly tied the proper definition of "AAA" into equating as "awesomest best games ever."
I would have to say any highly anticipated game made by a developer that is known for making AAA titles. that's what I think of when I hear AAA game.
A game with a big budget behind it, with a big developer. Example:
  • GTA V
  • Call of Duty
  • Madden
That's just multiplatform titles, Can't exclusives be classified as that as well?
  • God of War
  • Heavy Rain
  • Halo
A game developed by a big developer, and a big budget. Indy bring a smaller team, usually self published, and then there's a inbetween grey area whey you have a bigger developer, but a budget game.
A game developed by a big developer, and a big budget. Indy bring a smaller team, usually self published, and then there's a inbetween grey area whey you have a bigger developer, but a budget game.
I'd say if it won't be profitable unless they sell 3-5 million copies minimum, it's a AAA title.

Minecraft is probably profitable at 2000 copies, but they sell millions. So not considered proftable.

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