Frame rate, does 60fps really matter?

Have you tested to see if you perform as good with 30 FPS?

There could be other factors than just framerate that make a difference.

Well I do perform a lot better on The Last of Us on PS4 with certain weapons, so that seems suspect. However, the influx of newer, inexperienced players could also be what is making me seem better. Honestly, it is hard to say with absolute certainty.
Well I do perform a lot better on The Last of Us on PS4 with certain weapons, so that seems suspect. However, the influx of newer, inexperienced players could also be what is making me seem better. Honestly, it is hard to say with absolute certainty.

The question is, do you perform bettter on 30fps toggled on.

I had an old 19 inch t.v. and I couldn't aim and hit people for a trophy on Warhawk. My disabled friend, had an HD t.v. and hit me in 1 shot where as I took like 40 shots.

Burnout Paradise was way harder on a 32inch SD t.v. than it is a 24 inch HD t.v. even with an introduction of mild latency.

The point I'm making is framerate may or may not be the deciding factor. Resolution can make a big effect, but framerate is kinda minor.

I wonder why 45FPS isn't like an accepted standard. Do things get weird in the 45 range? More games could be 1080 if it wasn't 60 or 30 and nothing else. XD
The question is, do you perform bettter on 30fps toggled on.

I had an old 19 inch t.v. and I couldn't aim and hit people for a trophy on Warhawk. My disabled friend, had an HD t.v. and hit me in 1 shot where as I took like 40 shots.

Burnout Paradise was way harder on a 32inch SD t.v. than it is a 24 inch HD t.v. even with an introduction of mild latency.

The point I'm making is framerate may or may not be the deciding factor. Resolution can make a big effect, but framerate is kinda minor.

I wonder why 45FPS isn't like an accepted standard. Do things get weird in the 45 range? More games could be 1080 if it wasn't 60 or 30 and nothing else. XD

Hah. I really don't know. I'm perfectly fine with 30 most of the time, but anything less and it starts to become noticeable.
Hah. I really don't know. I'm perfectly fine with 30 most of the time, but anything less and it starts to become noticeable.
Yeah 24 only works in Theatres because of the way the light flickers off the screen. The motion is horribly blurred and gives me headaches.

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