Your Ideas for LEGO Games

If Lego bought Minecraft and helped develop without impeding them you could have like a perfect game. It could have a fun story good graphics addictive gameplay LBP style user creatable content and so much more.
I think the Alien series would be a great place to go, perhaps a "Scary" Lego Game?
I thought about that too. But with lego games usually needing 90+ characters within the franchise to throw in as unlockables, I didn't think the Alien franchise could support that. Then I made the mistake of bringing up The Hunger Games in the last PSLS Live. @Dan Oravasaari didn't agree with my take. His reaction was a little something like this
What do you think would make a great LEGO game? I think they should make some LEGO based versions of other games. The teaser for LEGO The Last of Us was awesome. Maybe even exploring different genres? A LEGO based FPS or RPG could be pretty cool!
I think a lego james bond game would be awesome
I would really like to see a Lego Turn Based RPG. I dont think it even needs a brand, it could just be straight up Lego City. I would also like to see a next gen open world Lego Simpsons.
I would agree with the idea of a LEGO G.I. Joe, Transformers, or Bond that were mentioned above. Same with just having massive LEGO creation game or simcity type game, that would be a lot of fun to play around with.

Some other ideas:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Dragonball (You could probably pair about any shonen manga series in here)
Star Trek
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Tick

I could probably go on, but these are all options I've thought of. Don't know exactly how they'd do some of them, but they could be pretty fun depending.

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