Anybody here playing/played Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1?


PSLS Level: Bronze

As the title says. Looking for people who are also fans of the game, to compare tactics, choices of costumes, missions, endings, achievements, etc.
I haven't playd yet . Eventually I'll clear some of my jrpg backlog and get around to buying it.
*crickets* haha
I won't take up my thoughts on the game, but I have played it a tiny bit.

Haha, thanks anyway, @Lifewish

If you have played it a bit, and remember it somewhat, I was just able to distribute the "shares" of the kingdom in such a way that when the game ends, I'll get a true ending (you need to have each CPU with at least 20% of the shares, and the "Others" at 0%).

I haven't playd yet . Eventually I'll clear some of my jrpg backlog and get around to buying it.

It's not for everyone, for sure. But I'm having a blast with it. I'm around 25hs into the game, one and a half chapters away from the end (it has 8 chapters).

I'm taking my time with it, though. Lots of side quest stuff, lots of crafting, lots of grinding.
On the playstation store... there's a sale going on. Nothing to do with me personally, but a good chance to pick it up!
And I just bought AC Unity and LittleBigPlanet 3. I still wouldnt have time to play it though lol
Ugh... I'll just get the rebirth2...

Why? That's like not getting Super Mario World 2 because Super Mario World 3 is about to come out. Both are good games, and you might as well enjoy them both if you can! :D

I don't think Re;Birth2 will see lots of improvements over Re;Birth1 in terms of graphics, assets or gameplay, so at $30 for Re;Birth1 right now, it's a decent deal.
Yeah might as well get it, $10 less on everything is great, but can't play it yet thou, ian't done with Freedom Wars and SAO yet.

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