Anybody here playing/played Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1?

I still regret buying it digitally a tiny bit. Because if I do enjoy it, I'll have to get it on a physical cart eventually. Having all the HyperD games on my shelf would be so nice. lol
I still regret buying it digitally a tiny bit. Because if I do enjoy it, I'll have to get it on a physical cart eventually. Having all the HyperD games on my shelf would be so nice. lol

I could get around that, the shop near my place is just throwing game cases (the blue case), I could just ask him to give it to me, but its on Japanese so, meh.
I still regret buying it digitally a tiny bit. Because if I do enjoy it, I'll have to get it on a physical cart eventually. Having all the HyperD games on my shelf would be so nice. lol

At $14, it's a solid way to know if you're gonna like the series, the characters, the game mechanics, etc.

If so, then you could get a used copy pretty cheap online, and go from there.
At $14, it's a solid way to know if you're gonna like the series, the characters, the game mechanics, etc.

If so, then you could get a used copy pretty cheap online, and go from there.

That's probably what I'll do if I really like it. lol
I've been keeping an eye out for physical copies of these games. I think I would prefer physical to digital with this series.
I've been keeping an eye out for physical copies of these games. I think I would prefer physical to digital with this series.

I got a physical copy on launch because I didn't expect the game to drop price so soon. Even though I like the game I lot, I don't think I would have minded a digital copy.

The more I move, the less attached I am to my physical copies, haha. With the impending move to South America for a couple of years, I even had to sell some CDs and stuff, and it was hard. As was getting all the rest of the crap shipped.
I got a physical copy on launch because I didn't expect the game to drop price so soon. Even though I like the game I lot, I don't think I would have minded a digital copy.

The more I move, the less attached I am to my physical copies, haha. With the impending move to South America for a couple of years, I even had to sell some CDs and stuff, and it was hard. As was getting all the rest of the crap shipped.
Yeah moving makes digital lovely.

Don't forget you can download the content manager assistant, and use that to transfer games to your PC/Laptop, so that you can have all your digital games on a laptop.

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