Community Reviews Guidelines

Bit of an odd question, but are we able to post links to reviews from our own personal blogs, or at the very least copy them word for word here? I like sharing my opinions and sparking conversations but idk if I'm allowed to do that.
Bit of an odd question, but are we able to post links to reviews from our own personal blogs, or at the very least copy them word for word here? I like sharing my opinions and sparking conversations but idk if I'm allowed to do that.
Bit of an odd question, but are we able to post links to reviews from our own personal blogs, or at the very least copy them word for word here? I like sharing my opinions and sparking conversations but idk if I'm allowed to do that.
Feel free to post them here in their entirety. We don't have many users anymore but those of us that are here would love to read your thoughts!

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